Chapter 33

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It's been 3 weeks since Valerie went home. This means I have 2 weeks left until graduation. I finally get to see her and move back to where she is. Ever since we left I've done nothing but go to school, come home, do homework, and sleep. I hardly eat anymore.

I know it's not like her and I have broken up. Trust me, we haven't. Her and I FaceTime everynight, we snapchat, and we text constantly. I'm just happy that she's back in my life as mine. Not friends, but my girlfriend. 

Today after school I'm pretty sure that Diana and I are heading to the mall to pick out an engagment ring for when I propose in 2 weeks. May I tell you how thankful I am to have Diana be coming along with me. I have no clue what size ring she wears or what kind she'd like. Diana on the other hand knows her perfectly. 

I just know that today is going to be a good day. Besides the fact that I'm getting Valerie her engagement ring, today's also my last day of school until I graduate. 

****After School****

Finally, my days at school are done. I'm ready to get Valerie's ring and graduate so I can make her my wife. I'm waiting in the back parking lot at the school for Diana. I know that it will still be a bit until she gets here due to her talking to Jake. With that I roll down my windows and start playing music. But not the radio.

I do on even better and connect my phone to the stero and start playing my iTunes on shuffle. Of course the first song to play is one of the 3 songs two Viner guys have made. Jack and Jack's song Distance comes on. 

This song reminds me of Valerie. Half way through the song I get an email. This is strange, I never get emails anymore. Either people text me or call me. I check the email. This of course putting me into shock.

Hello Mr. Mendes,

This is Bart Bordelon, I'm in charge of planning the guests' at Magcon. Incase you didn't know Magcon stands for Meet and Greet Convention. It's a weekend trip with some other "Famous" Viners. I'd love it if you would like to join the other guys in next weeks Magcon trip to Nashville. If you're intrested in going please email or call me back. My number is 240-789-6564 (MADE UP NUMBER). I'll give you the details if you'd care to join. Hopefully I'll see you there.

~Bart Bordelon

I can't believe this. I've been given the chance to tour and meet my fans! Without a second though or hesatation I call Bart back. We get all the details placed. He even has already paid for my plan tickets and hotel cost! The only reason I'll need money is for food and shopping! This is going to be great. Only problem is... Valerie.


I finally get done talking to Jake and saying goodbye so I begin to walk over to Shawn. Once his car is in my sight I notice him smiling bigger than I have since Valerie went back home. Finally, I make it to the car.

"Well look who's all smily now." I say to Shawn in a friend type of flirting. No feelings attached... At least I hope.

"Okay, I have greats news. You just can't tell Valerie. You HAVE to promise me you won't. I need to be the one to tell her." Shawn says making it clear that I can't tell her.

"Okay, okay! What is it!?!" 

"Well, I know you've heard of Magcon. I just got an email from Bart and now I'll be attending Magcon's trip to Nashville!" I can hear the amount of excitment in his voice. But for some reason I can't help but feel sad about this.

And it's not friendship saddness either. I don't know what type of saddness I'm feeling from this. All I know is I'm feeling some sort of guilty.

****AT THE MALL**** 

"I think she'll love this one." I point to an engagement ring thats simple but has a lot of meaning behind it. Which is something she loves. But the whole time I'm here looking at rings with Shawn I'm sad. I shouldn't be sad that my teo best friends are getting married. But for some reason I am. 

Once Shawn buys the ring that I picked out we begin to head home. The entire car ride back to my house all I wanted to do was cry. For the longest time I didn't know why I wanted to cry. Until it hit me why. Because of Valerie and Shawn's engagement. 

I still can't figure out why I'm so sad about it. Shawn finally pulls up in my drive way. When he and I say bye I don't even look at him. I just can't. I know that if I look at him I'll start to cry.

So I just get out of the car and head to my front door. Once inside I realize I'm home alone. I run up my staircase and into my room. The moment my door shuts I burst into tears. 

Atfer sitting against my door crying for what seems like hours, I'm finally capable of pulling myself off the ground and into my bathroom to take a shower. I must not be thinking right today. A shower will probably get my mind back to where it needs to be. 

I strip my close off and get into the shower that I have already started. The water is nice and relaxing. With is being so relaxing I decide to sit down under the water on the shower floor. But that turns out to be a mistake.

As I'm sitting on the floor I just think of Valerie and Shawn possibly getting engaged and Shawn going on tour to Nashville. Even though it's only for a weekend. I begin to burst into tears some more. 

Once out of the shower, I dry off and put on some Pj's. I brush out of long brown hair and put in into a side braid so that in the morning it will be wavy. I head back into my room and grab my phone off my desk.

The time reads 8:24. I guess I did spend a good time crying since I got home from the mall at 3:36. I notice that I have 35 missed texts messages and 10 missed calls. All missed calls are from Jake. 

3 texts from my mom

2 from my dad

10 from Shawn

1 from Valerie

And the rest is from people on the swim team. I don't really bother texting anyone besides my mom and dad back. I let them know and head off to a dreamless sleep... Well I thought it would be dreamless. Until Shawn appeared in a dream I was having.

This causes me to shoot up from my sleep and me sitting up in bed. As if I was having a nightmare. Could I possibly be falling for Shawn...?

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