Chapter 41

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It's been a month since Diana and I found olut that we are having a boy. These past 2 months have been amazing though. Not because she's pregnant, well actually that just adds on. I've finally decided that I'm ready to propose.

Even though we have only been dating for 6 months. I know that I'm ready for this. Some people would think it's too soon. But to me I think that this is perfect timing. I knew I was going to propose one day, it's just with her now being pregnant it made me want to even more. 

With it being decided that I was going to propose, I need to get a ring. So I call the one person I know will help me.

"Hey?" Valerie picks up the phone but sounds very confused.

"I know I never call you or anything but do you think you can help me with something?" 

"Depends on what it is?" She still sounds confused. 

"Well, I plan to propose to Diana next week..." 

"OH MY GOSH!!!!" She screams nearly busting my ear drum. I had to pull the phone away from my ear due to her screaming.

"Shhhh, stay quite. Diana can't know." 

"Alright. I'm good now. But, what does this have to do with me?" Confusion again took over her.

"I need your help picking out a ring." 

"How will that work without Diana knowing?" Once again, Valerie was confused. Typical.

"Go online and pick a few she'd like and I'll order one." 

"Okay!" I didn't even get a chance to reply before she hung up. 


For some reason Valerie has been in her room all day which is odd for her. Well not really cause this is how she'd be at her house. But normally if she's over she's out of her room being hyper with me. 

I wonder what's going on. Maybe she's having issues with Shawn. Having that as a possibilty, I leave her alone until she wants to talk to me. She'll come around.

Since I have nothing else to do today since Jake said he had plans with his family. I pull myself out of bed and head downstairs into the kitchen. Now that I'm eating for two I make an extra large bowl of Lucky Charms. 

After getting my breakfast I head into the living room to eat.

As I eat my cereal I flip through Netflix trying to find something to watch. With my luck I come across the whole series of Secert Life Of An American Teenager. Since I had nothing better to do with my day, I made it my goal to watch the whole series today. 

I watch about 3 episodes until Valerie comes dashing down the stairs and jumping onto the spot next to me.

"Whatcha doing, sunshine?" She asks with the most cheeriest voice I've ever heard come from her.

"Being lazy all day since there's nothing to do today." I say pretty much stating the obvious. 

"So it looks like we're watching tv all day?" She questions noticing I'm still in my pjs. 

And that is exactly what we do the rest of the day until we both past out at 3am the next morning on the couch.

I'm awaken by the sound of the door opening at 9am. Valerie is missing from the spot where she fell asleep so now I get worried. Lizzy left her toy bat next to the couch last night after being with some friends.

The one? (Jake Foushee FanFiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora