Chapter 28

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Shawn and I are standing there next to Diana's mom watching Diana and Valerie walk down Diana's staircase. I'm standing with her corsage in my hand as I look at how gorgoues she looks in her dress.

It's aboustly breath taking. She looks beautiful every day, but right now. She looks more beautiful than ever. 

Her dress fits her so beautifully. Might I say the color of her dress really makes her skintone pop. And don't even get me started on her hair. It just makes her into look complete. The entire time I stand here, the only thought that goes through my head is 'I really do love this girl.'

I've never been able to say that I love anyone. But with Diana, I can say that I truly do love her. I know for a fact that she's the girl I want her marry one day. 


Diana and I walk down the stairs to be greated by Shawn and Jake. I scan over how Shawn looks and he looks pretty hot in his suit. I've seen him in a suit for homecoming, he looked good then. But, right now he looks hotter. 

The entire time we walk down I have the biggest smile on my face and I can tell due to my face hurtting. I look at Shawn and realize how much he really means to me. I can honestly say, I love him.

Diana and I get down the stairs and I walk over to Shawn and automatically go to kiss Shawn. And of course he kisses back. Every time we kiss, I feel like I mean something to him. Which is something that I have never felt with any other guy. 

After Shawn and I kissed he placed the corsage he got me on my left wrist. The corsage matched my dress. Even through the flowers on it were white. And Diana's corsage was black so hers matched her dress perfectly as well. 


I place the corsage on Valerie's wrist then I kiss her. Once Jake places a Diana's on her wrist the four of us get into Diana's mom's car and heads off to go and take pictures before dinner and prom. 

We go to the park to take our pictures. It only takes about a half an hour to take the pictures. So after pictures we all get into my car and drive to Olive Garden for dinner. Of course it doesn't take us that long in Olive Garden. But that puts us right on time for Prom.


Finally, it's here. We pull up to the venue of prom and Shawn parks the car. Once he parks we all pile out of the car and start walking in. 


After Prom ends Jake, Shawn, Valerie, and I get back into Shawn's car so that Jake and I can go to his house for the night and so Shawn and Valerie can go back to Shawn's. I know that Valerie is only in town for a little bit longer which sucks and I want to spend more time with her before she leaves. 

But I know that her and Shawn are pretty close to getting back together so I want them to spend as much time as they can before she has to go back home. Anyways, the drive to Jake's house didn't seem to take that long.

Probably because the entire way back Valerie and Shawn were in the front singing along to pretty much every song that came on the radio.To be honest, it wasn't even annoying. It was cute as all hell.

So the whole time they were singing, Jake was recording and posting it to 2nd vine account. While I was recording and posting them to my snapchat story. After about 4 songs, we pull up at Jake's drive way. 

"Thank you Bae!" I yell at Shawn as I get out of the car and giggling at the fact I yelled bae at Shawn.

"Anytime bae number 2!" Shawn giggles and winks at me. 

"Number 2?!?" I couldn't help but playfully fight back with him.

"Yeah, Valerie is number 1 bae." He says looking into her eyes then giving her a kiss on the cheek. 

Shawn pulls out of the drive way JUST to go a house down to pull into his own drive way. This of course causing Jake to giggle. His giggle wwas perfect. I loved hearing it.

But anyways, we walk into his house and out of no where he takes me by my waist and spins me to I'm facing him and my back is to the door and begins to kiss me. 

He walks me backwards to that he shuts the door with my back without breaking the kiss.

"Jake, someones going to see us." I say while he's moved from my lips to my neck. 

"No one's home." He replys into my neck.

After he said that he came back up to my lips. Our lips moved perfectly insync with each others. He trialed his hand down my side and put his other hand on the door so that out kiss intensifies.

We stand out the door kissing for a good 3 minutes before he brushes his tounge on my lower lip asking for enterance. I thought I would tease him by not allowing it yet. 

When I denied him enterance, I could feel him start to smerk as we kiss. Then out of no where he taking the hand he had on the door and put in on my lower back then he took his other hand that was on my waist and moved it to the top of my back. 

This all happening as we kiss. He lifts me up bridel style without breaking the kiss. As he begins to walk I couldnt help but giggle at how this is all playing out. We get half way up the stairs and I tell him to let me down since it's just the easier way. 

Once we get up to his room he shuts the door with his left foot as he walks towards me. Without a second thought, his lips crashed onto mine. As our lips moved insync, I began to take off the vest to his suit. With that he began to unzip the back of my dress. 

Once his vest was off, he decided to take the rest of his top off. After he unzipped my dress it fell onto the floor. So I was left standing in front of his bed in my bra and underwear. 

"Diana, you're beautiful." Jake told me before he began to kiss me again. Next thing I knew, he laied me on my back on his bed. I opened my eyes from our kiss since it broke to notice Jake hovering over me. 

"You ready?" Was the last words Jake said to me...


Sorry for the clift hanger. BUT OMG 6.5K READS! I LOVE YOU ALL!!

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