Chapter 10

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"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" I couldn't help but ask this question. The way her eyes started to sparkle when I asked her this made this moment even better than it already was. All I want in life is to call her my girlfriend. That would just make everything. The only thing is, when Shawn moves in things may not be the same for her and I.

Cause, Shawn... he's a singer. And I know that music is Diana's passion in life. I just hope that Shawn doesn't try and pull anything with her. If I lose her, I have no clue what I'd do with myself. Diana is my everything. But then again, Shawn and I have been friends since we were toddlers. I just wish he wasn't moving here.

"Jake, you're such a sweetheart. I've never met anyone like you before in my life." She finally replies after which seemed like forever. Possibly because I zoned out into thoughts. I honestly can't lose this girl. Even though we're not dating I still consider her as my girl. Well, not out loud. More like to myself when no ones around.


Today's the day, moving day. I can't believe I'm leaving my hometown to go live in Thurmont, Maryland. To be honest, I'm scared to be moving. This place is the only place I've ever known. Well, I should say lived because I have traveled a lot with Magcon this past year or so.

The only thing making this move easier on me is knowing I'm moving in my best buds neighborhood. Jake should help me get settled in and used to the school. I've kept in touch with him since CyberStar a few months ago. On his Instagram he's been posting pictures with this girl, I guess her name is Diana or something. Due to her instagram name @princessdiana28 (Fake instagram name btw).

For the past month or so she's been his #wcw "Women Crush Wednesday"on his Instagram. I'm betting that there's something going on between them. His relationship status on Facebook and Instagram says that he's single. So I guess that she's just a girl that he likes.

She's extremely beautiful. Jake got lucky with her. I'm not going to lie, I did start following her on Instagram to get to know her. Like why not? She's friends with Jake, and I'll be moving their today. So why not get to know her? From just looking at her Instagram, it seems that she has a passion for music like I do

Seems like it due to the fact she has pictures/videos of her singing, playing guitar (which is something I do), and playing piano. Honestly, if she's not with Jake, I'm taking my chances to get to know her and eventually date her. I'm not saying this based on looks, she really is amazing from what I can see from her Instagram.

Well, since I'm about to get into Thurmont, why not text Jake and let him know. Hopefully we can meet up once I get my things up away.


TO JAKE: Hey bud, I'm just now getting into Thurmont. I was thinking once I get moved in/unpacked we could hang out. Possibly introduce me to some people in the area so when I start school I'm not all over you and your business.

FROM JAKE: Yeah, that's fine. Just let me know when you want to. I'm not really doing anything today besides hanging out with my friend Diana. I can't wait for you to meet her! She's amazing!

TO JAKE: Haha, I can tell from the look of your Instagram. Well anyways, I'll text you when I'm unpacked and all that good stuff.

FROM JAKE: 'Ight man, peace


From that conversation, I can tell that he defiantly has something going on with that Diana girl.  


Seems like Jake has a friend from back home/magcon moving to Thrumont. Jake wants to introduce me to him when he gets here. I think his name is Shawn. Shawn Mendes to be exact. The only reason I know his name as well as I do is because we follow each other on Instagram. Plus, HE'S A FREAKING MAGCON BOY FOR DAMN SAKE!

I just need to stay calm when I meet him. Him and I are so much alike! Both of us have a strong passion for music. That's how he got his fame was through music. Well, his ability of singing and playing guitar. Maybe if him and I become friends that we could possibly do a duet cover together for our YouTube channels!

That's always been a dream of mine. All I want to do when I'm older is a career that has to do with music. My life would be complete if I can succeed in music. Lately, I've thought about giving up on my music though. I keep getting told that if I keep trying then I have the possibility to go far. But honestly, I just don't see that happening.

If I get to do this duet idea I have with Shawn, then maybe I do have an actual chance of perusing a career in music. Don't get me wrong, I'm not wanting to be friends with Shawn just to have a chance with music. I've liked Shawn when he first started those 6 second Vines and doing YouTube covers.

Shawn seems like a pretty cool dude to hang out with. The way he is with his little sister is just amazing. I wish I had a big brother just for that reason. Instead I got my litter sister Lizzie. Don't get me wrong, I'm great full for her. I've just always wanted the brother figure around.

"Hey, Shawn just got moved in and unpacked. He wants to meet up with us. Is that alright with you babygirl?" I hear Jake ask me stunning me out of the day dream I was just in over the thought of actually meeting Shawn.

"Yeah, that's fine. But what time is it so I know when to come home and get my homework done" 

"Don't worry, Diana. It's only 4:30. I'll have you back home by 6:45- 7:00 so you can get your homework done." Jake says as he kisses me cheek and stands up off the couch offering me his hand. Which I gladly take. I can't believe I'm actually about to meet Shawn Mendes. THE SHAWN MENDES!!  

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