Chapter 29

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"You ready?" Jake says as he's hovered over me. Instead of replying with words, I decide to reply with an action. I kiss him letting him know that we can go all the way. I will admit, I'm kinda nervous too. But with Jake, I know everything will be alright. 

Instead of having Jake unhook my bra, I do it for him. Once I have unhooked my bra he took the straps and slid them down my arm. After my bra was off everything went black. All I know is that Jake and I didn't have sex. We made love. 

The next morning I wake up curled up next to Jake. My head is on his chest. Which might I say is the perfect pillow. He has his arm drapped over my side. I'm only in one of his large baggy Young and Reckless shirts and he's in his boxers. 

I guess after last night he handed me a shirt and put his boxers on. Just to make sleep more comfortable I'm guessing. It seems to be early so I grab my phone with is oddly enough on the stand next to his bed plugged into a charger. When I unlock my phone I look at the time and it 7:45. 

My predictions about it being early is right. I look over at Jake and he's sleeping so peacefully. Oh well I think before I launch myself ontop of him.

"Get up babe. I'm hungry and boreddddd." I yell as I bounce waking him up. 

"What time is it?" He says in his raspy morning voice. It was the sexiest thing ever.


"Why are you getting me up?!" He says as he grabs the blankets and rolls back over to "try" and sleep. 

"Lets go get breakfast with Shawn and Valerie!!!" I suggest. With the word breakfas, Jake jumps right up. 

"Will there be pineapple?!" 

"Only if you get up and get ready now!" With that he got up and ran into the bathroom. I've never seen that boy get out of bed that fast before. With Jake in the shower, I decide to go through Instagram. I look at the date as I unlock my phone and it says May 26. Holy crap, it's been almost a month since Jake and I have been offical.

Now with that thought in my head I think about last night. We slept together a day before our 1 month. Maybe it was too soon? Maybe not? I mean I really love him. Never mind. I know that what we did was right. There shouldn't be an amount of time before its "right" to sleep with someone you love. 

The time now is 8:10 and Jake is just now turning off the water from his shower. Thank god. This means now I can go and get a shower. I feel gross after dancing all night and what happened after prom. Not even 12 hours ago. 

Out of no where Jake comes running out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped arounf his waist. 

"Bathroom's all yours now."

After Jake said that I got up out of bed and went in to shower. My shower didn't take me more than 15 minutes. So I was in and our and began getting dressed. Some how Jake and I both finshed getting ready at the same time. Even though he got a shower WAAYY before I did.

But, I learned not to question him. 

"Wait. did you even call and see if they were coming to breakfast ding dong...?" I ask Jake right as we were about to walk out of his room.

"That may be a good idea." With that Jake called Shawn.

Apparently Valerie was about to call ME about going to breakfast. With that all planned out, Jake and I walk over to Shawn's house and wait by his car like Jake said we would. As we're standing at the car Jake randomly starts to talk.

"I have an idea!" He sounds so excited over this magical idea he just thought up. 

"And what would that be?" I cooed and questioned him at the same time.

"Let's go on a double date to see The Fault In Our Stars!" (I know that the date in this story is may 26 but just think that The Fault In Our Stars already came out).

"Yes!" I said as I slung my arms around his neck kissing his cheek. 

Once our movie plans were determined, Shawn and Valerie come out of the house with their fingers interlocked. 

"So where to for breakfast?" Shawn asked as he started up the car. 

"Is iHop good for everyone?" Valerie looks back at Jake and I as if she was our mom.

"That's perfect! Time for pancakes." Jake says all happy to finally be getting pancakes. He seems to  ALWAYS be wanting pancakes. Hopefully now he'll shut up about wanting me to make them. Last time I made pancakes for Jake the whole kitchen was a mess! But that;s okay because I made him clean it up. 

Anyways, the entire ride all Jake and I did was take selfies on Snapchat and listen to Valerie and Shawn sing in the front seat. Of course after 2 songs play All Of Me by John Legand comes on. Which makes Jake and I both smile. 

To Shawn and Valerie's surprise Jake and I were even singing along. Well that's only because it's pretty much "our song". Which made this even better. Once All Of Me ended the radio started playing Happy.

"And with that, the radio goes off." Shawn states as he turns off the radio.

"Thank god. That song is over played! Why do they even still play it? It's annoying as all hell!" Jake begins to rant as we pull into iHop. 

"I know! Look we finally agree on something!" Valerie says to Jake causing me to burst into a fit of laughter. Once we pull into a parking spot the 4 of us all pile out of Shawn's hummer. 

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