Chapter 2

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Once I got done talking to Valerie, I decided to write Jake a note. But for some odd reason I couldn't find the right words to say.

Once I finally got my thoughts together I started to write.

€ Jake, I know I haven't known you for all that long or hardly know you. But, over this short time we've spent talking in 2nd block I've started to develop feelings for you. I know that this note is a long shot since you're considered popular for being the football teams quarter back but I thought I've embarrassed myself enough around people so I thought I'd try. If you want to talk to me for any weird chance my number is 240-878-8792 (fake number). Love, Diana (: €

I re-read the note several times making sure it sounded right. Just to make sure I decide to text a copy to Chrissy making sure it didn't sound too needy or anything.

Texting (💮- Diana ❄️- Chrissy)

💮- Hey, I wrote Jake a note and I plan to give it to him tomorrow. Do you think you could read it for me and tell me if I should or not?

❄️- Of course!!

💮- € Jake, I know I haven't known you for all that long or hardly know you. But, over this short time we've spent talking in 2nd block I've started to develop feelings for you. I know that this note is a long shot since you're considered popular for being the football teams quarter back but I thought I've embarrassed myself enough around people so I thought I'd try. If you want to talk to me for any weird chance my number is 240-878-8792 (fake number). Love, Diana (: €

❄️- Diana, that's perfect. I'd give it a chance.

💮- Alright, I guess I'm giving it a shot. Thanks shorty!

❄️- You're welcome dear.

Conversation ends.



I'm sitting in 1st block waiting for the bell to ring for 2nd. Honestly, the only reason why I want to go to 2nd is because I sit next to the most beautiful girl I've ever met! Her name is Diana. Such a perfect name for a perfect girl.

The day I saw her I knew I loved her. When I got to Physiology class and saw I sat next to her I got so many butterflies in my stomach I couldn't speak.

I want to ask her to prom but I highly doubt such a beautiful girl would want to go to prom with someone like me. Let's face it, I'm no one she would want to be with... Ever.


Finally the bell rings for 2nd block. Thank god, I can finally get out of AP science. I dread this class. But thankfully I get to go sit next to Jake. Today's the day I give him the note.

When I walk into class I see Jake drop his books off and walk around with his friends until the bell rings as-usual. I noticed that this was the perfect timing to put the note with his things.

I quickly put the note in his binder noticing he was coming back to class since the bell was about to ring.

Class started and went on as any other day. Until Jake dropped his binder and the note fell out onto the floor. I was hoping he'd put it in his pocket or back in his binder but instead he read it right then and there.

I started to panic. Not knowing what was going through his mind as he read it. That was until he took out his phone and put my number in I suppose. Cause after that I wondered what was going on since he put his phone back in his pocket and looked up at me and smiled at me reveling his perfect smile. His braces made him even cuter. All I could do was smile and blush.

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