Chapter 30

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After breakfast we decide that all 4 of us would spend the day together. The only problem was that none of us knew what to do today. Plus, it's only 9:00am, so there's not much we can do yet. The only idea that there is right now is at 12:20 to get see The Fault In Our Stars.

I'm pretty sure that's what we're going to do. Make it a double date but I'm pretty sure that Shawn and I are going to be sitting some where else in the theatre instead of with them. No offense to them or anything, it's just I want to be with Shawn as much as possibly before I have to go back home without him.

"So what are we going to do until 12:20?" Shawn asked.

"Maybe we can all go back to my house and make cookies?" Diana asked.

"That seems perfect!" Jake chimed in out of no where.

So now it looks like we're heading back to Diana's until the movie. I'm taking a wild guess and saying that after the movie we will determine what we shall do next. Maybe I'll suggest going bowling, rolling skating, or maybe even ice skating. Im not too sure.

Once the boys split the check we all headed back out to this car. We got in our usual spots. Shawn and I in the front while Jake and Diana got the back. Of course the first thing we do is turn on the radio.

But this time I didn't let Shawn choose the station to listen to. I hit the AUX option by the CD one and plugged in my phone. I knew I was the only one that listened to my music. But I didn't really care. So I started playing some of the "softer" music I had.

Which since I listened to rock/metal, it was going to be a challenge. But the softest band I have is Sleeping With Sirens. And even they are debateable. But I played All My Heart off of their ablum Lets Cheers To This. I knew Diana would like it since it's similar to All Of Me by John Legend. (btw if you haven't heard All My Heart, I recommend looking it up. It's great!)

The drive back to Diana's wasn't that long. But it was long enough for Diana to fall asleep in the back. But they way she did was the cutest way ever. She was laying due (due to how large the back of the car is) with her head in Jakes' lap so her head was facing me. Not to mention Jake was also passed out with his head leaned up againest the window.

I took my chance and went on my Snapchat and took a picture of them sleeping. I knew that they would want a copy of the picture sent to then so before I sent it to my story I saved it to my phone. Before sending it to my story, I made a caption that said "Worlds cutest couple? I think so😘".

Once the picture was sent we pulled up in her drive. Which the car stopping woke them up.

"It's about time you guys got up." Shawn teased them as he unlocked the car and opened up his door.

"You know what Shawn, hush up." Jake kided back.

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it?!" Shawn snapped back. Of course this was all a tease fight. Nothing serious.

Within a blink of my eyes Jake has rammed him way passed Diana. Without pushing her of course. And made his way over to Shawn and tackled him to the ground in a playful way.

"Never mess with a lacrosse player bro." Jake said as he had Shawn pinned to the ground. Jake went to get up and with that Shawn saw this chance.

Shawn pounced up and this time he got Jake onto the ground pinned.

"Always execpt the unexpected bro." Shawn said has Jake was on the ground.


'He's a total dork. But he's my dork'

That's the only thing that kept going through my head as Jake and Shawn play fighted in my front yard. The bromance they have is seriously adorable. I totally ship it. Valerie and I decided to let the boys blow off some energy by wrestling in the yard. So her and I went and sat on my porch swing.

"I swear, sometimes I feel as if I'm his babysitter." Valerie said to me in a joking way about Shawn. The whole time she said that she never took her eyes off them once.

"You really do love Shawn, don't you?"

"Diana, you have no idea. That boy means the world to me. You know how I was until he came along. I only talked to you. And you know that. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here or be the person I am today. Due to having both of you in my life, I'm a completely different person. I'm actually happy for once in my life. I can actually look him in the eyes and say 'I love you' without second guessing myself. I know what I feel for him is true.

I've never wanted to be with someone as much as I want to be with him. Whenever he's not around I miss him so much to the point I can physically feel the pain of not having him around. You may not understand completely what I'm talking about. I know that Jake and you have only been together for a short amount of time. Where Shawn and I have been together for like ever. But for me it only took a short amount of time to know how I truly feel about Shawn."

The entire time she was talking, she had her eyes on Shawn with the biggest smile on her face. I didn't even bother to reply. After she talked Jake and Shawn came over to us to we went inside. I didn't even realie how long we were out there until we came inside and I looked at the time. It was 11:00.

Not even enough to make cookies. We could start a movie but why do that when we're all about to go and see one in about an hour? So instead we all went down into the basement and played Wii. I let Jake pick out the game. Of course he picked out Mario Kart.

So until 11:45 we sat downstairs playing Mario Kart. All I can say about that game was that it got intense.

"NO WAY YOU PASSED ME AND GOT INTO FIRST! YOU CHEATED!" Shawn yelled at me as he hopped up off the couch.

"No, I'm just that good." I replied with a joking smerk.

"We need to get going, it's already 11:45." Valerie said as she was putting her phone back into her back pocket. I guess playing an intense game of Mario Kart really makes time fly by.

So we all ran out of the house to get to the car. Well Valerie and I did that is. I'm pretty positive her and I are the most excited to see it. Even though we know we're going to be in tears the entire time. (btw if you haven't seen it and plan to make sure you bring tissues. You will be crying... a lot)

After a bit the boys come out to the car and we all get ready to head off the to theatre.


"I'll pay for you baby." Jake says as he orders our tickets.

"It's my treat." After Jake says that he gives over the money and I kiss his cheek.

"Thanks babe." I say as we walk in and over to the consession stand to get candy, popcorn, and a drink. The of us order what we want and head over to theater 13 where our movie will be showing. With no surprise, the theatre is packed. But we had luck because there was a row of 4 seats.

Valerie and I sat in the middle with Jake to my side and Shawn to her side. After the movie Valerie and I went right into the bathroom to fix our makeup due to how hard we were crying throughout the movie.

We walk out of the bathroom and meet up with the boys. Shawn's looking at his feet and he looks like he's about to cry. But why?

"Shawn, you okay?" I ask as I walk over to him to see if there's anyway I can help.

"It's nothing. I just realzied that Valerie heads back home tomorrow." Shawn says as a tear runs down his face.

"Shawn, I may be heading back tomorrow but that doesn't mean I won't see you after. You're my forever and I'll due anything to make sure I don't lose you. I lost you once and I never want to again."

"Then do me a favor?"

"Anything Shawn."

"Be my girlfriend again...?"He looked up into her eyes.

"Of course!" Valerie says and jumps into his arms and kisses him.

This has to be the cutest thing ever. But this means, tonight's my last night with her until summer. We have to make the most out of tonight.

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