Chapter 1

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It's three weeks before my Junior Prom. I went to homecoming with a group of friends. But, I don't want to go to my Junior prom with my friends.

There's this one guy, Jake. Jake Foushee to be exact. I've had my eye on him since he transferred to Catoctin a week after homecoming.

A lot of girls have been trying to get with him but they never do. I've talked to him a few times since we sit next to each other in Physiology class.

His voice is perfect. But anyways, with him being a part of the "popular" crowd I doubt I have any chance to date him or even go to prom.

I try to keep my mind off him by talking to my best friends Valerie and Chrissy. I hardly see Valerie anymore since she moved in with her farther. But, we still in touch on a daily basis. So she's up to date with my love life and emotions.

Conversation: (💮- Diana 〽️- Valerie)

💮- Hey darling!!

〽️- Hey princess! Long time no talk huh?

💮- Yeah, sorry about that. I'm just going through a lot since prom is only a few weeks away and I still don't have a date.

〽️- Is this about Jake?

💮- Yes! I'm really starting to fall for him. I know I only talking to him in Physiology but, I'm just really falling for him.

〽️- Maybe you should write him a cute little note and carefully put it in his things. Make sure your numbers on it and maybe he'll text or even call you! Don't be afraid to make chances.

💮- Well, it's worth a shot! Thanks Boo-Boo! I have to go. I'm LOADED with homework yet again. /: I love you! I'll talk to you soon!

〽️- Glad I could help! I love you too Yogi!💕

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