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Question asked by: eddie_kaspbrok_boi


Okay, then. Star, who is your crush. And also, Paulina, I wanna punch you in the face, is that weird?

Author-kun: Paulina!

Paulina: Yeah, Lizzy?

Author-kun: Call me that again and I will rip your perfect face from your head and wear it around like a freaking mask all while you watch me as you slowly bleed out.

Skyler: Calm thyself, Author.

Author-kun: Sorry. I've never liked that nickname. Plus, that's not my name. Anyway, this person says they want to punch you in the face.

Paulina: Oh that's perfectly normal, hun. Everyone is jealous of how flawless I am, so they want to make a flaw so that I come down to their level. But it won't work. I'm too perfect!

Author-kun: Tell that to the zit on your nose.

Paulina then screeches as she pulls out her compact, feeling around for the non existent pimple that Author-kun decided to taunt her with. 

Author-kun: While she does that, the actual question is for you, Star.

Star shifts around nervously, knowing what's coming due to one of the previous chapters.

Star: W-what is it?

Author-kun: Who do you have...

Star: No.

Author: A crush...

Star: I refuse!

Author-kun: on? (And suddenly it's Truth or Punishment)

Star: No way am I answering that question!

Author-kun: It's the first actual question you've been asked, Star! You gotta answer it!

Star: I said no!

Skyler: Come on! It's not like we don't know.

Star: Exactly! You and that dweeb already know, so I don't have to tell you!

Author-kun: It's not me who wants to know. It's the readers.

Star: You already hinted it with that stupid movie reference!

Author-kun: Come on! We won't judge you!

Star: It's not your opinion I'm worried about. How did you even find out, anyway?

Author-kun: I have had many a crush myself, so I know what it looks like. I actually told my crush how I felt last month!

Sam: You finally told him? How did it go?

Author-kun: We will discuss that later, Sam. But you'll never know how they feel until you tell them. Just look at Sam and Danny! Or even Kwan and Dash!

Dash: We're not dating!

Kwan: Yep. That's why I'm wearing your class ring.


Star: Those are different! Those people have mutual feelings and matching sexualities.

Paulina: Oh come on, Star. Not even I know who this mystery crush is. You gotta tell your bestie about it.

Star: *blushes more than she should* Y-you don't wanna know.

Paulina: Come on, girl! Spill!

Star's eyes widen as her mind goes to a lewd place, her blush intensifying as she starts a staring contest with her lap.

Author-kun: You've done it now, Paulina.

Star: I swear to ghost king, Author, if you don't shut up I'll impale your severed head on a spear!

Paulina: What does she mean, Star?

Author-kun: HE! IS THAT REALLY SO HARD?!?!

Author goes ignored by Paulina as she gives her friend a curious look, ignorant to what is going through her head.

Star: I-I like you, Paulina.

Paulina goes silent as Star finally admits her feelings, the Author silently cheering as another one of his smaller ships starts to sail. 

Paulina: I...

Star: I know that you'll hate me for it, but I needed you to know.

Paulina then blinks a few times and stands from her seat on the couch, grabbing Star's wrist as she pulls her out of the room, followed by a few whoops and cat calls.

Author-kun: FINALLY! Cheesus Crust! 

Skyler: Wait, you ship that?

Author: I've shipped Paulina and Star ever since I found out what a lesbian was. Anyway, we'll find out the result later. I'll end this chapter here and I hope to see more of your questions and dares soon! Thank you for being so patient with me! 

Skyler: We hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! We'll see you in the next chapter. Until then,

Author-kun: Viso gero!

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