I told you so

138 1 6

Asked by YaoiLover328


Question for Danny, what do you mean by 'weirder'?

Author-chan: *facepalm* They just had to ask.

Tucker: What did they ask this time?

Author-chan: ... Danny...

Danny: She didn't shout this time. *feeling of dread washes over him* What's the question?

Author-chan: In the previous chapter, Kiss, Beat up or Hang by their underwear, what did you mean by "weirder"?

Danny: *gulp* Nothing!

Tucker: We've watched chick flicks together. 

Danny: TUCKER!

Tucker: And we shared a sleeping bag. 

Danny: TUCKER!!

Tucker: And we tried to share a Paulina cardboard cut out once, but it didn't work out and it broke in half. I got the bottom half!

Paulina: Ewwwww!

Author-chan:... Okay then. You just had to ask, didn't you Yaoi Lover? Why are you people so persistent in doing the exact opposite of what someone tells you to do? Ugh! Anyways, keep on asking those questions! Even though the contest is in place, I will not stop answering questions. So the contest is still ongoing. Just want to make sure that's clear. 

Sam: What contest?

Author-chan: The annual Nunya contest!

Sam: What's that?

Author-chan: Nunya business. Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Until then, agur!

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