O. M. Goodness.

123 2 9

Question asked by YaoiLover328


Question for author-chan, are you a boy or girl?

Author-chan: *blushes* I-I was asked a question? Oh my goodness! I'm so flattered! I am, drum roll please...

Jack starts patting his knees as fast as he can.

Author-chan: A boy!  

Danny: We all know that, Author.

Author-chan: Well, the readers didn't until now, so shut it. I am of the male gender! I never thought that I would be asked a question. This is weird!

Sam: So they just asked what your gender is?

Author-chan: They asked if I was a boy or a girl.

Sam: Watch your pronouns, reader!!!!

Author-chan: *sweat drop* It's fine, Sam. Anyway, I hope that was informational for you, Yaoi Lover! Now you guys know what gender I am. I worked so hard to keep you wondering, but now I don't have to! (I like keeping you guys guessing!) But anyway, keep those comments coming and don't forget those contest entries! I'll see you all in the next chapter! Until then, slán.

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