The Dreaded Thermos

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Commented by fangirl834


Suck Danny in the Fenton Thermos and leave him in there for an hour

Author-kun: Ooh! I like this one! Danny!

Danny: Yeah?

Author-kun: You've been dared. Jack, get the Fenton Thermos.

Jack: Righty-o!

Jack leaves the room to fetch the infamous thermos.

Danny: No no no no no  no no no no no no no no no no nooooooo! No way! Nuh-uh! Nada! NO!

Author-kun: You'll only be in there for an hour. What's the harm?

Danny: Do you know how uncomfortable that thing is?

All the ghosts in the room: YES! 

Danny: Sorry. But even they agree I shouldn't do it.

Skulker: We never said that, did we?

Ember: In fact, I think he should be shoved in there. Payback, baby!

Jack: I got it!

Jack tosses the thermos to Author-kun and he opens the thermos, pointing it at Danny and pressing the button to activate it. The blue bean shines on Danny and he is sucked into the thermos as Author-kun closes the lid.

Author-kun: And now we wait an hour. I hope that was fun for all you readers. And I was surprised the Sam didn't object.

Sam: Well, he had it coming.

Author-kun: Okay then. Anyway, thank you for commenting and keep em coming! And get those contest entries in before it's too late! I'll see you in the next chapter! Until then, zbogum.

Ask Danny PhantomNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ