Master or Ruler?

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Asked by @bookeatingworm


Hey Clockwork. Why are you called Master of time and not Time Ruler? I mean, does that make time your bitch?


Clockwork: *changes to a kid* What was I asked?

Author-chan turns the screen towards clockwork as he turns into a grown man. 

Clockwork: *turns into an old man* Because Master of Time has a better ring to it. Time Ruler just makes it sound like I'm a measuring tool for time.

Author-chan: Huh. Never thought of it that way.

Clockwork: *turns into a kid* I used to be called Time Ruler, but they said it in another language.

Author-chan: What language was it?

Clockwork: *turns into a grown man* Ancient Nyanja.

Author-chan: Gesundite. Anyway, thanks for commenting!!!!! I love all of these comments that I'm getting! It makes me feel appreciated. And all these guys just don't like being here so they, in turn, don't like me for bringing them all here. So thank you guys for commenting so much! I love you all! I'll see you in the next chapter. Until then, bayi!

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