thirty one

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*this is kind of smut ! u've been warned (also be warned that its not good and im a virgin ! so yeah not accurate either) *

* to my irl friend tasfia........ if uve somehow made it this far.......... dont read this chapter either. Xoxo abby

David was quick to leave Alex in charge of making sure no one ruined his house or his pool, grabbing the key to his bedroom (that was not so slyly hidden on top of the fridge), and pulling me up the stairs and up to his room. You could still feel the vibrations of the bass through the floor of the upstairs, but the music was much more muffled up there.

He turned around to face me after relocking the door, a quiet hi falling from his lips. Hi. Hi? It was like he was just begging me to fall in love with him.

"Hi," I giggled, feeling the blush rise to my cheeks. Downstairs, I was much more confident. If I were to be rejected, I was in a large group. I could get drunk and hide until I wasn't embarrassed anymore. Upstairs, it was different... intimate. My nerves were finally getting to me. I regretted not taking a couple sips of that drink.

"C'mere, sweetheart," David tilted his head back in such a confident manner that I immediately calmed down. David knew what he was doing. David wasn't going to hurt me. David liked me. I approached with less caution, allowing him to grab my face in the palm of his hands. "Are you alright?"

I nodded twice, my head still in his hands. It was then, after my confirmation, that he leaned forward to kiss me, taking it slow. I was thankful for that. David was my first kiss, my first anything, and I was grateful he was taking it slow and making sure I was comfortable as opposed to doing what felt good for him. He pulled back, just half an inch, to whisper, "You're so pretty."

"You're so pretty, too," I smiled, allowing him to back me up to his bed. I slid backwards up to the headboard, and he carefully climbed on top of me, straddling my hips with his already tightening jeans. "You have to, you know... tell me what to do. And when to do it. I don't know when to transition, you know."

"You're talking too much," David laughed, leaning down to begin kissing my neck. Giselle was really right about neck kissing. It was something magical. Novels could be written about the art of neck kissing, and I'm sure millions would buy it. He came back up after a few minutes, trailing the kisses back up my neck and to my mouth.

"David, I want to... try something," I interrupted him, pushing him until he got the hint and rolled over. "Don't laugh if it's bad. Laugh later, because if you laugh in my face, I will cry."

"I'm not going to laugh in your face, sweetheart," he rolled his eyes. "I'm not that big of a dick."

I awkwardly smiled at him in response, choosing to focus my energy on unbuttoning his pants rather than arguing that he was, in fact, that big of a dick. With some help, I slid the tight black jeans down his legs, leaving them wrapped around his ankles for him to kick off. Gently, with barely there pressure, I began to stroke over his boxers.

"Sweetheart, I know you're just being careful, but I promise you aren't going to hurt me," he didn't laugh, which I appreciated. Instead, he placed his hand over mine, making my grip a lot more strong, and then let go, allowing me to continue at my own pace. I took a deep breath and continued my work, still tentative that he was going to throw me out at any moment for being so bad at what I was doing. I could tell he was getting antsy, but knew for a fact he wouldn't encourage me to take off his underwear, so I took the liberty of yanking them down as much as I could while he was still firmly planted on the mattress. I didn't ask him, but he didn't say anything, so I took it as consent.

"Could you, maybe, like, point me in the right direction?" I awkwardly asked, regretting it the moment I said it. My regret turned into even more awkward rambling, "You know, 'cause I'm a virgin, and I have no clue what I'm doing, so if you could just—"

David shut me up by grabbing my hand and wrapping it around his half hard dick, moving it up and down at a medium pace, faster than I would've done it, but not as fast as it could be done. "Mona, you've just gotta trust your gut, baby. I'll tell you if you shouldn't do something."

"Can I stick my finger in your ass, then?" my own sassy remark was enough to completely mellow me out. It was David. He was a dick, but he wouldn't be outright mean to me. I could do this.

"You're not funny, Mo— oh," he sighed as I picked up speed, which shot my ego up ten fold. David's eyes were squeezed shut because of me; I could do this! I was scared, but I could do it. Tentatively, while David's eyes were still closed, I leaned down and placed just the tip in my mouth. He jerked up, eyes shooting open as he gasped, "Jesus, Mona!"

I pulled back instinctively out of fear, eyes wide in shock (and honestly, near tears). "Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?"

"No," he half laughed, cupping my chin with his hand. "You're perfect. You caught me off guard. You're perfect, Mona."

"Okay," I shrugged, and back into it I went.

My final synopsis of sex was as follows: it didn't hurt as much as it felt weird. It just felt weird having something of that size going in and out of me. As The Carries Diaries said, it's like putting a hot dog in a key hole. David made sure I was ready, but overall it was pretty uncomfortable. I was just thankful I didn't cry. That would've been a real travesty.

We laid in bed for hours on end after, both of us awake, just staring at the ceiling and sometimes talking.

"Thank you for flying my friends out, David," was one of the first things I said after it was over. "You really didn't have to do that."

"Yeah, I did," he shrugged, and my head that was on his shoulder flopped around like a rag doll. "I don't think you understand how special you are. I can tell you don't like my friends, and your old friends turned out to be total pieces of shit. You needed someone, you know?"

"Yeah, but..." I sighed, unable to find the exact words to express how I felt. I didn't want to sound ungrateful. "I know it was expensive. You're really sweet when you want to be. Thank you."

"When I want to be?" David gasped in playful shock. "I'm always sweet!"

"Yeah, okay," I jokingly scoffed, my fingers gently patting him on the chest. "Whatever you say, bud."

"Mona, sweetheart," he said, swiping a piece of hair that had fallen onto my cheek away. I stared up at him, wondering what he was going to say next. "Will you go to prom with me?"

It was a loaded question. If the prophecy were true, being David's prom date sealed my fate as his one and only. If I went to prom with him, that was it. We were fated to get married, just like John and Talulah, just like Sam and Emily.

Still, I couldn't stop myself from uttering, "Yes."

ugh prom date acquired! now if only i could find one lmao :/

pls vote and comment if u enjoyed!! i stopped saying that and then ppl stopped voting and commented so now we're back

xoxo abby

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