thirty five

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"Leave me alone," I sighed when David knocked on my door the next Saturday morning.

"Ms. Greene, you're seeming to forget you love me," it was David's most used comeback over the past week. Anytime I expressed any annoyance in him, he always found a way to mention it.

"Can you stop bringing it up?" I laughed for the ninetieth time. "I clearly meant it in a friendly way. Like a brotherly thing."

"Ew, you incestuous bitch," David turned his nose up, trying his hardest to fight the smile that was growing on his face. "I'm your boyfriend."

"Hardy har har," I rolled my eyes, leaning against my doorway with a frustrated sigh. "What are you doing here?"

"We're going to eat," his tone was confident and definite. I didn't really have a choice, and I wasn't in the mood to fight. Plus, any meal that I didn't have to pay for was a meal I needed.

"Is this okay?" I glanced down at my camp t-shirt and my leggings that had a hole just a little too close to the crotch.

"There is snow on the ground," David frowned. I huffed, shuffling around the clothes I had stacked on our front bench until I pulled out a black Adidas sweatshirt. "Is that mine?"

"Do you want me to freeze?" I countered, a devious smile taking over my face. David and I had only been technically dating for a week, and I had already jacked three sweatshirts, two pairs of sweatpants, and some shoes that I had to wear four pairs of socks to make fit.

I slid on my knockoff UGGs over the socks I was already wearing and gestured down to my outfit, sarcastically asking, "Is this better, lovebug?"

"You look wonderful, sweetheart," David replied in an equally snarky tone. I was wearing no makeup, which I didn't mind too much, and my hair was already in a ponytail. I was ready to go.

"Where are we going?" I asked once we were in the car.

"The Mexican place on Castlebrick," he answered, changing the radio to a more suitable station. "Thankfully, you live close to it. You took forever to answer the door."

"My grandparents are out to lunch with their bingo friends! I was barely awake, and I had to brush my teeth before I came down. It took me, like, five minutes total to get ready," I sighed, leaning back in my seat. "I'm fucking tired. I was up all last night doing homework after you left."

"Who does homework on a Friday night?"

"Me, bitch," I frowned. "I had, like, three hours worth of Lit stuff because you won't stop talking during class. I have to do it sometime, you know?"

"Why do you even do the work? Mrs. Harrison puts in hundreds for everything."

"Because I'm trying to get into Harvard, David. I know you have connections, and you'll get in easily, but I actually have to work for it," I snapped, tossing
my ponytail over my shoulder.

"My connections are your connections, sweetheart," David's soft smile almost made me forgive him for being a total dumbass.

"Yeah, until you cheat on me and we break up and never speak again," I raised my eyebrows.

"Why would you even say that, Mona?" David seemed to actually get pissed at my notion. It wasn't
all too shocking to me, but apparently, it was to him. "You're my girlfriend for a reason. If I wanted to fuck other people, I'd just break up with you. It would take less than two seconds."

"Okay, jeez," I raised my hands defensively. "It was a joke, bro. Calm down."

"You cannot call me bro after telling me you loved me like a brother," David laughed, clapping his hands together (and leaving the steering wheel unattended... safety at its finest!). "This relationship is getting a little too creepy for me."

all that glitters » david dobrik auWhere stories live. Discover now