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It was Friday night, and me and my four new friends were sitting in "The Dream", a local ice cream and milk shake shop, wondering what we could do for the night. Kristen, Zane, Heath, and Liza were all extremely welcoming to me, despite me being the new girl.

I was also all people could talk about. It got around quickly to the sixty or so kids in our grade that I told off David on the first day of school, and since then, the other students had avoided me like the plague (but definitely didn't have a problem talking behind my back).

I only went for two days that week since I started on Thursday, but it was still too much. I felt blessed that it was Friday night and I could be with my friends, not in the uncomfortable and oddly sexual school uniforms. It was a little weird to see Kristen in a white t-shirt, black jeans and a denim jacket, and Liza in a similar outfit. The boys were even more weird; I didn't expect them to have an edgier style (based on what I saw at school), but they came off super cool. I was dressed like a hoe, as always, with a black bralette, a black mesh shirt, and black skinny jeans with many, many rips. To be fair, the group originally told me we were going to a fancier restaurant, and then we ended up at an ice cream place.

"We could always go to the party," Liza suggested, and I almost spit out my cookies and cream milkshake.

"Are you kidding?" I frowned. "The party at Alex's?"

Liza shrugged and replied, "We've got nothing better to do."

"Nothing better to do than hang out with a bunch of Trump supporters?" Zane only half joked, then glanced at me to add, "Sorry, Mona."

"I'm not a Trump supporter."

"Oh," Zane chuckled. "Good, then. Alex is, and a fucking homophobe."

"I vote we go," Kristen agreed, keeping her eyes on her milkshake and not at the three of us (minus Liza, of course) looking at her like she had three heads.

"Baby, you just want to see Scott, which is not a good idea," Heath said what we were all thinking, and I nodded along. "He's just using you again, this time to get to Mona."

"Shouldn't we at least make sure?" she mumbled, crossing her arms across her chest.

I honestly felt bad for her, and I didn't know her well enough to call her a fucking idiot for thinking he wanted to be with her, so I said, "Fine. We'll go for an hour."

"Really?" Liza and Kristen both perked up, and I giggled, nodding. Heath and Zane grumbled off to the side, and I nudged Zane's shoulder.

"It's not going to be just them there," I told them. "We can avoid, if we want. I'll stay with you the whole time."

"No, you stay away from me," Zane angrily dumped his empty ice cream cup into the trashcan. "You attract them."

Kristen ended up driving us since she borrowed her mom's Subaru for the night and we all could fit. I wasn't that nervous, except for about my outfit. I wasn't even really wearing a shirt, and I wasn't sure if I wanted the first impression that people got from me outside of school to be what I was putting off now: quirky, emo, and slutty. I didn't always dress like this, and it gave me anxiety knowing that people might think I did.

Liza and Kristen knew where Alex lived from the times that they were both targets of the boys. It was less than a ten minute drive from The Dream, and we got there a little too quickly for my liking.

"Your first party," Liza wrapped an arm around my waist and snuggled into the only part she could reach—my boobs. "Are you excited?"

"There's a lot of people here," I commented, wrapping my arms around my exposed waist. I expected thirty kids, but just by the amount of cars parked in the yard and up and down the street, I knew it was much more packed than I could have ever expected.

Not only that, but Alex's house was huge. I was a scholarship kid, so I was completely amazed by the perfectly manicured lawn, the long driveway, and the large house standing in front of me. The group crowded around me and waited, staring at the few kids in the lawn and the wide open front door. Good thing Alex's neighbors were far away, because music was blasting loud enough for us to hear it from the road.

"Well, let's get this over with," Zane sighed in defeat, knowing he and Heath were stuck for at least the next hour. Liza and Kristen shared a look of excitement, and we slowly made our way into the packed house. "I need a drink in order to survive tonight."

"Me too, baby," Heath agreed, and I nodded along. Kristen needed some liquid courage in order to talk to Scott, if she was going to, so Liza became the designated driver. She was fine with it, and honestly, she acted a little drunk even when she was completely sober. I'm sure she'd find a way to have fun.

Kristen knew her way around the house best, so she dragged us to the kitchen, where we ran into Todd. He seemed pretty shocked to see us, particularly me.

"Oh my god, Mona!" he smiled, reaching out for a side hug. I understood why he was considered the nice one. "I didn't know you were coming. Does David know you're here?"

"Is he my dad?" I replied, grabbing the handle of Ciroc and dumping some into a red plastic cup. "No, he doesn't know I'm here. Don't tell him. He gives me headaches."

"He could be your daddy," Todd replied with a chuckle, and I turned my nose up, chugging the alcohol straight instead of trying to mix it. My grandparents would probably kill me, but I'd figure that out when it came. "Slow down! You've got all night."

"If I'm going to be here all night, I need to be hammered," I informed him, filling the cup halfway again and then topping it off with a bit of lemonade that was sitting on the counter. Turning in circles, I realized the worst.

My friends had left me alone with Todd.

Oh, joy.

i fuckin loveeeee cliche party scenes bitch. this next chapter is going to feed my soul i can literally feel it lmao. anyways im gonna go cry abt not having a boyfriend! tata for now! xoxo. abby

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