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The bell rang Friday afternoon, signaling the start of lunch and the end of my day. David, whose entire friend group had permanently moved to surround me simply so they could torment me, turned around to say, "Are you ready to go?"

"My bag's in my car," I told him, grabbing my books and carefully placing them in the bookbag. "But I brought some clothes to change into before we leave. I didn't want your dad to think I look like this at school."

"You do look like this at school?" he frowned, digging around in his backpack and pulling out a pair of black jeans and a black t-shirt. "I brought some, too. I'll meet you in the parking lot."

I nodded and exited the classroom, taking slow steps to allow the people who typically crowded the bathroom at the beginning of lunch to get in and out before I did. I knew it'd take a while to completely shed myself of my clothing and put more on, and I didn't want to be holding a stall for that long while people were waiting. There was also the fact that when I was done in the bathroom, I'd have to start a two hour car ride with David. I took as long as possible, just to put it off.

In the bathroom, I changed into some light washed, high waisted boyfriend jeans, a tight black cropped shirt, and a red and black flannel. I finished the outfit with some black ankle booties and a black belt, checking myself a few times in the mirror to make sure I looked okay. It was not fancy by any means, but I had no way of dressing to the nines like David and his family, so I chose a basic outfit that I could wear and seem casual.

After I was ready and I mentally prepared myself for what was to come, I stuffed my uniform into my bookbag and slung it over my shoulder to go find David. I was as ready as I'd ever be to brave a car ride (and a whole weekend) alone with him.

David was leaned up against the brick wall of Abernathy waiting for me, messing with his phone. He looked up when he saw me approaching, but didn't politely smile or do anything to make me feel better. Instead, he started walking towards his car. I ducked into my car as quickly as possible and pulled out my old cheer bag that I had stuffed to the brim with different clothing items and toiletries for every possible scenario.

I practically ran after his quickly accelerating frame, reaching an old, but sleek red convertible that was definitely not the Mercedes he drove me around in the other day. I asked, "Is this your car?"

"One of them," David answered, opening the door for me. I climbed into the passenger seat and almost shoved my bag underneath me in the floor board, but David took it from me before I even had the chance. He placed it in the drunk and came around to the driver's seat, starting the car. Away, we went. "You know, this is probably the most expensive thing you've ever touched."

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest with an annoyed sigh. "Are you going to flex on me all weekend?"

"Maybe," David smirked, flipping the radio on to some rap song I had never heard. I didn't know why we couldn't listen to Top 40 radio like normal people, but I wasn't going to complain. It wouldn't surprise me if David abandoned me on the side of the road somewhere.

"Can we stop and get road trip snacks?" I asked after a few moments of pure silence, save for the radio transitioning to commercials.

David laughed, looking over at me to say, "It's a two hour drive."

"What's your point?" I frowned, holding back my hair that was going crazy in the wind. I had never ridden in a convertible before, and now I knew why. "It'll be fun! C'mon, please!"

"What about that will be fun for me?" he replied, turning down the radio slightly so I didn't have to yell over the advertisements and the whipping wind.

all that glitters » david dobrik auWhere stories live. Discover now