forty five

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"I have never been so bored in my life," David rolled over in his bed to face me. "Who the hell sleeps three feet apart from each other?"

David's dad was in LA for some business thing (Seat Geek sponsored a lot of popular Youtubers, so I figured he was helping with those meetings), so he had the house to himself. I lied to my grandparents and told them I was sleeping over at Corinna's because I missed her so much. They for sure knew I was lying, but they didn't say anything. They never did. Judging by the fact that they got married at 17, I thought they just wanted me to live my life while I could. They didn't really think age mattered.

"Friends," I replied with a smile, making a point of scooting a few inches until I was almost falling off the bed. "Friends shouldn't even sleep in the same bed."

"God," David groaned, adding a dramatic and unnecessary eye roll to show his frustration. "I'm about to start jerking off if you're not my girlfriend. I can't just lay here."

"Okay, do it," I called his bluff with raised eyebrows. He stared at me for a few seconds, challenging me, before reaching down to begin unbuttoning his pants. His fingers were underneath the band of his navy blue boxers before I realized he was serious. I shielded my eyes, giggling my ass off and yelling, "Stop! I'm a fucking virgin, bitch!"

"I think you and I both know that's the furthest thing from the truth," David joked, and I reached over to slap him while he was busy pulling his pants back up. "Hey! Friends don't slap each other."

"Clearly you've never had a friend before," I laughed, slapping him again for good measure.

"Why can I not touch you, but you can touch me?" David raised his eyebrows in protest, staring at me like he actually made some kind of point.

"Because I'm just abusing you in a friendly matter," I explained. "You, on the other hand, want to stick your fingers in areas fingers should not be stuck, so no, you can't touch me."

"Why not?" he whined once again.

I rolled onto my side to face him and said, "Is all I am to you something to fuck? You're acting like it's the end of the world that you have to hang out with me. God forbid we have our clothes on while we talk!"

"Shut up, you fucking drama queen," David chuckled, also making me laugh. "I haven't seen you in three weeks. I just want to cuddle, but you won't even do that."

"Fine," I sighed, scooting across the bed until my back was firmly pressed against his front. "But just cuddling."

Long story short, we did not succeed in just cuddling. David had wandering hands, and I had a wandering mind.

The next day, I got up and got dressed in my uniform from the day before, brushing my teeth with my spare toothbrush and using David's hairy Old Spice deodorant since I didn't have my own. I pulled my hair into a messy bun because David didn't like for me to use his hairbrush, saying my long hair got all over his bathroom and the cleaning lady thought he was disgusting for it. I was sure she never said that, or anything similar, but I just stopped doing my hair at his house anyway. David was a whiner, and I couldn't deal with it for long.

When we had about thirty minutes before we had to leave, I woke David up. He was grumpy, as always, and wondered why I didn't wake him up earlier (as if putting on his uniform and brushing his teeth was such time consuming work... the boy rarely even brushed his hair).

He drove us to school in silence, tapping his thumb against the steering wheel like he was angry. Why he was angry, I couldn't tell you. He got his way the night before, and he was still being a sulky little baby. 

"Would you like to explain what I did wrong, or am I just supposed to wait until you like me again?" I asked once he parked the car in his usual parking space.

He looked over at me, cool as ice, and said, "You can wait."

Rolling my eyes, I climbed out of the car and slammed the door behind me. David had some wild moodswings, and he was the most childish person I've ever met. If he wanted to act like that, I would too. I was never one to be the bigger person.

With some strategic planning on my part, I managed to avoid David until lunch time. That's when my issue set in. David had driven us to school that morning. My car was sitting in David's driveway. If I wanted to get home without messing with David and his bad attitude, I would have to walk a few miles.

So... I did.

I skipped lunch and began the trek to David's house, thankful that it was only March and the sun wasn't beating down on me too badly. I was a little over five minutes into my walk when I got the first text from David.

the dobriknator: Where are you

I rolled my eyes, wondering why he even cared when he couldn't treat me well for more than four days at a time.

me: wouldn't u like to know

David Dobrik: Yes I would

David Dobrik: Corinna checked all the bathrooms and Alex checked the library so where'd you go

me: it's none of your business

me: leave me alone

David Dobrik: Why are you mad at me

David Dobrik: Because I was in a bad mood this morning???

David Dobrik: You make no sense

I scoffed to myself, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to type a careful worded and crafted response.

me: fuck you !

Okay, and this:

me: you can't just be a dick to me all morning and expect me not to be mad about it, bad mood or not. you could've at least, oh idk, said "hey im in a bad mood dont talk to me" instead of snapping at me for no fucking reason. it's honestly getting old david

David Dobrik: Youve been back for 1 day

me: goodbye idiot dumb fucking fuckmunchkin

I heard the car pulling up beside me, but didn't even register it until I heard David Dobrik's cocky voice saying, "Now, Mona, you know that's not a nice thing to say."

thank u for the motivation @zuha71 :-))) i love you (and all of u guys) so so much <33

xoxox abby

ps! the song of the chapter is why by bazzi

this song possibly inspired the whole book (along with all too well by t swizzle lie to me by 5sos and many many more)

some relevant lyrics:

all your friends tell you to hate me, god i'm fucking shady, couple weeks ago they were inside my sheets naked

im all that you want but not what you need girl why tell me why do you still love me

and most importantly

why do you need me when you know you dont need me? its tearing you apart i leave you broken and shaken and you still call me baby

all that glitters » david dobrik auWhere stories live. Discover now