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I spent the rest of the day showing my girls around Vernon Hills. We ate at The Dream, had a blast, and talked about everything that had happened with me since the move.

"I know you don't really understand girls because Giselle and I are a different slutty breed, and we don't form emotional attachments to the people we fuck," always a good start to an Everleigh sentence, "but there is literally a zero percent chance she was just looking out for you. It's clear Liza wanted him to herself. You agree, Gissy?"

"Hundred percent agree," Giselle plopped another spoonful of her too-thick-for-a-straw cheesecake milkshake in her mouth. "That's some bullshit, honestly. She was totally just trying to keep you under her wing so you wouldn't overstep your bounds with him. She knew you were interested, so she tried to act like a loving friend when in reality, she was suffocating you. I don't like that. Mona Greene deserves to flourish, like a butterfly. At least you got rid of them."

"I do miss Heath and Zane, though," I sighed, stirring my milkshake instead of actually drinking it. "They were nice."

"Until they found out you were poorer than them and never talked to you again," Everleigh scoffed, and Giselle slyly kicked her under the table for talking so bluntly. Nothing was ever sly with Everleigh, though, and she gasped, "Ow! Is that not the truth? They aren't that good of people, or else they wouldn't be total dicks to you for no reason."

"I mean, I guess they had reason," I halfheartedly shrugged, like I didn't quite believe the words coming out of my mouth. "They warned me about David, and I didn't listen. I went behind their backs."

"Who gives a shit, though?" Everleigh laughed. "Seriously, who gives a shit? You guys warned me about Paul, and I didn't listen. He broke my heart, but you were there for me every step of the way. Real friends don't feel betrayed by that kind of stuff. It seems pretty obvious that they were just trying to tie you down because they saw your potential."

"Anyways," Giselle cut off Everleigh with a stern look before she could rag on my ex-friends anymore. "At least you have David. He's ridiculously nice."

"To you guys," I laughed. "He's nice to me sometimes. He just... he's nice. He's nice, but it's like he has never been nice to someone in his life, and this is his first time trying it, you know? I'm not a crazy bitch about it, but he walks ahead of me if I'm going too slow and he doesn't open doors and if I'm annoying him, he doesn't explain it, he just yells at me, and—"

"And he flew your two besties out from Houston and is throwing you a birthday party in his house, where he never has parties," Giselle shrugged. "So he has no manners. So what? He obviously cares about you."

"Plus he fingered you and didn't even ask for a blowjob," Everleigh's loud comment got a stern look from the soccer mom next to us, but she just rolled her eyes, never one to care about authority, respect, or filters. "That's, like, love. You know, men are absolute garbage that only care about themselves. I mean, he didn't even ask for a handjob or some dry humping."

"I think tonight is the night you reward him for being so sweet," Giselle raised her eyebrows suggestively. "I mean, you have always said you wanted to lose your v-card before you turned eighteen. It's a little late now, but... only a day! You might as well."

"You guys are insane," I playfully rolled my eyes, dropping the spoon into the last bit of melted milkshake. "Let's go before you give Cindy a heart attack."

Everleigh and Giselle forced me into spending hours, and I mean hours, getting ready for my birthday party. They deliberated over which outfit made me look the most fuckable for twenty minutes, then finally settled on a lacy black bodysuit with black jeans and some black, tie up stilettos that I knew would be off within ten minutes of walking in David's carpeted basement.

all that glitters » david dobrik auWhere stories live. Discover now