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"Oh my god, Liza, you will never guess what Mona just said to David," Kristen gushed as soon as we entered our first period, AP Government. Liza was a teeny tiny Indian girl with curly brown hair in a bob and a very pretty smile. "She called him short! Wait, what'd you say again?"

"I bumped into him, on accident," I added the second part just to get my point across. "He was so rude! He was like, could you watch where you're going?, so I said that he was too short to have an attitude problem, which is true. Only guys over six feet have the right to talk trash on me."

"Oh my god," Liza laughed, looking to Kristen to say, "I love her already."

"Right? Like, she's kinda crazy for us, especially this year, but she could seriously be a great addition to the circle."

"What do you mean this year?" I asked out of pure curiosity.

"The beginning of sophomore year is when I dated Scott," she explained. "We were all friends then. David and Liza even—"

"Let's not talk about that," Liza turned her nose up. "Bad memories. I'm not Talulah, I guess."

"Talulah?" I frowned, once again confused by their inside jokes or terminology.

"Oh, God, the story of Talulah!" Liza laughed to herself. "Buckle up, 'cause it's a real treat."

"Oh my god, I'm excited!"


She was cut off by the bell ringing and our teacher's entrances to the classroom. The rest of the day went the same way. Liza was in my second and third periods, and every time she tried to start her story again, we'd be interrupted by some unknown force.

I met Zane, who was one of their best friends. He started off our conversation with, "Jesus, I heard the new girl was hot, but I didn't know she was porn star hot!"

"That's what Kristen said!" I laughed, tucking some of my hair behind my ear. "I'm Mona, by the way."

"I'm Zane, baby," he grinned, grabbing my hand and lightly kissing the top of it. "Nice to meet you."

"Don't let his flirtatious actions fool you," Liza warned me, a bright smile present on her face. "This one is gayer than a three dollar bill."

"Liza, I was going to let her guess," he frowned, shoving her shoulders a little. "Now all the fun's ruined."

"I already guessed," I informed him, and he laughed, saying to Liza, "She's a feisty one. I like her."

"God, why does everyone keep saying that?"

I met Heath the next period, Zane's boyfriend. Liza and I got there a touch late, and I barely got two words in before class started and we were forced into silence.

My fourth and final period is what I was really worried about. I was alone in that class, forced to face the awkwardness of being the new kid on my own. Even worse? David, the kid I had told off earlier, was in my class, along with all of his friends. Oh, joy.

"Hey!" one of them called out to me as soon as I stepped into the room. I raised my eyebrows at the group, seating at the back right corner. It was a guy with red-ish brown hair that was speaking to me, as he patted the empty desk next to him and said, "Come sit back here."

This class was small, and there were plenty of empty seats (despite my being late... again). I smiled at the group, said a sarcastic, "Maybe next time!", and took my place towards the center of the classroom. I heard the laughs, like they thought it was funny that I rejected their offer. I heard the screeching of chairs against linoleum, and suddenly, I was surrounded.

"You know, you're pretty funny. I think if you were a little nicer, it'd go a long way here."

It was David who said that. He chose the desk in front of me, and turned around to face me. I rolled my eyes at his statement, and replied, "Good thing I didn't ask for your opinion. Am I going to get harassed all of Lit class, or will you leave me alone?"

David glanced to the person seated next to me, almost in a told you so manner. I didn't know what that was about, and I wasn't sure I wanted to. He introduced himself, "I'm David."


The group laughed at my reply, and despite my obvious displeasure, he kept going, "That's Alex and Corinna."

Alex was seated to the right of me, a handsome boy with messy light brown hair and blue eyes. Corinna was stunning, as I figured, blonde hair and plump lips and long legs. She sat on top of Alex's desk, his hand placed over top of her exposed thigh.

"Behind you is Scott," he continued, and I turned around to see what he looked like. He was the one who asked me to sit with the group earlier. Honestly, I could see him and Kristen together. What a shame that all the cute ones were douches. "And that's Todd."

Todd was the one that Kristen told me was too dumb to be mean to anyone, and I felt a little bad without greeting him. I gave into my emotions and said a simple, "Hi, Todd."

"She likes me, man," Todd grinned to David, as if I wasn't sitting right in front of them. Our teacher walked in a few minutes late, but based on the way the class sighed in relief, I knew whoever the man was, he was a substitute. The sub called roll and told the class to work on something from the text book, which I attempted to do for a while whilst being hassled by some of the most annoying people on Earth.

"Listen, guys," I finally spoke up after ten or so minutes of ignoring their teasing words. "I've already made friends, and they told me to stay the fuck away from you. You're all fucking douches. I don't even need them to tell me, actually. You've shown me. I don't know what the fuck you're trying to do with me, but it's not going to work. I may be new, but I'm not fucking stupid."

"She thinks she's cute," Alex laughed, making eye contact with David. It was more than clear by the way they interacted that David ran the show, but I was still unsure why. David wasn't even the hottest, and he wasn't the most fit. He also seemed to have the most grating, unbearable personality.


"How do you know my name?" I asked. It didn't occur to me until later that the teacher had just called the roll, so David's next words really freaked me out.

"I know everything about you," he replied simply and casually, as if he was talking about where he wanted to go for lunch. "I think you'd really benefit from having us as friends around here."

"You really would," Corinna replied, twirling her gum around her finger. "God, who are you friends with, Kristen McAtee? You have so much more potential than that."

It didn't take a genius to tell that Scott slightly tensed up at the mention of her name, almost as if he was about to stick up for her. He said nothing.

"I'm pretty, but I'm not an asshole," I said. "At least not to people who don't deserve it. I'll stick with the friends I have for now, but thank you so, so much for the generous offer."

Luckily, they couldn't say anything else. The bell rang, and I all but sprinted out of the classroom to find Liza.

hi im setting up this story and just wanna write it lmao. going to bed after this chapter tho!!! lmk what u think!!! xoxo abby

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