forty seven

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"So, then, I told him I forgave him, but I was still mad so I'd talk to him tomorrow," I sighed in relief once I was finally done explaining the whole story (and I mean the whole story, every single minute detail) to Giselle, who was on Facetime with me. "He dropped me off at my car, and we hugged before I left."

"Uh... why?" Giselle furrowed her eyebrows and pursed her lips, a sure sign of her dramatic confusion. "You've gotta stop just forgiving everything he does."

"But I love him," I whined back, resting my chin on my knee. "I cannot be mad at him. He's too fucking cute.  I can't do it."

"That's the problem, though, Mona," she sighed, adopting her motherly tone that told me I was in for a lecture I knew I needed. "You go back to him every single time, and he realizes he can just keep fucking you over with virtually no repercussions. He's never going to stop being shitty to you if you don't do anything about it."

"He didn't really fuck me over today, though," I tried to defend him. "He was just being a dick. It's not like he cheated on me or anything."

"It's all the same in my book," she shrugged indifferently. "And I'm not just saying this because I dislike him. I like David, I really do. He cares about you a lot and makes you happy. He doesn't know his boundaries, though, and he knows no matter what he does, you'll stay. He knows you love him and he knows you're loyal. That seems a little fucked up to me. Eat another Oreo; you look stressed."

"Well, I am now," I sassed back. "I've never been in a relationship. What am I supposed to do? And the mature way, please, not hanging out with Todd to get back at David."

"Why do things have to be mature when David is not?" she whined, leaning her head back against her pillow to give a perfect double chin angle. "Is ignoring him considered mature? I mean, you are just friends right now. If he touches you, stop him. Call him bro. Put him in the friendzone for a few days. That's my most mature advice."

"Hmm," I nodded, grabbing the last Oreo from the pack. I pushed the empty container away from me to hide it so I wouldn't feel the guilt. "That makes sense. He should be in the friendzone right now, anyways. I just need to enforce it."

"Don't give in, Mona! I know how hard it is to not have sex with someone; I'm literally the hoe of the century, but don't give in," she warned me, then glanced off to the side. "Gabriel, get the fuck out."

"The hoe of the century, huh?" her younger brother taunted, and Giselle dramatically rolled her eyes.

"I gotta go, Mona. Remember what I said!"

Giselle had more life experience than me, so I did exactly what she said the next day at school.

"Mona, did you hear about Olivia's mom?" Gabbie mumbled, falling into stride next to me on the way to fourth period.

"Um... not sure I know an Olivia," I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, trying to think of the forty or so girls in our grade. None were named Olivia.

"The senior that always brags about how she got into USC?" Gabbie jogged my memory, and I raised my eyebrows and nodded. Olivia Giannulli was obsessed with the fact that she got into USC, although from what I heard, she rarely did schoolwork and had a very severe case of senioritis. I always passed her parking spot on the way into school, and it was almost always empty. USC was no Harvard, but I was sure they had thousands of applicants each term. "Her mom got arrested for bribing USC to let her in! Half a million dollars!"

"Holy fuck," I had to laugh out loud. Olivia was constantly wearing USC gear over her uniform because she was cold, and learning her mom had to pay half a million dollars to get her in was something that I could only laugh at. Rich people. "She paid half a million for USC? Jesus, it's not like it's Yale."

"I think a multimillion dollar bribe couldn't get that dumb bitch into an Ivy League."

"You're probably right about that," I laughed as we swung the turn into my Lit class, taking my usual seat. Gabbie stood at my desk as we continued making fun of Olivia for a new minutes until she had to go out of fear of being late to gym.

Gabbie hated gym, and had failed it two times already. She vowed junior year was her year to pass it, and that started with not wasting her time talking to me. With a wave, she left the room.

The only other person already seated was Scott, so we talked about his dabbling in music until everyone else flooded in and class officially started. Scott was honestly the nicest of the bunch, besides Todd maybe. I was sure Kristen only called him an asshole all the time because she wanted a reason to talk about him. She just had to find a way to put his name in her mouth (and something else, too).

"Good morning, sweetheart," David slid into the seat in front of me, just as the bell rang.

It was almost noon, but I didn't correct him. I hadn't seen him all day since I purposely left the house a little later than usual to avoid him. I took different routes in the hallway and hid behind Matt King, the tallest and one of the buffest kids in our grade. No one would've ever found me.

"Hi, David," I politely smiled, then turned my attention to the teacher, who was beginning her lesson for the day. I did a pretty good job of being friendly, but not too friendly with David until about halfway through lunch. We were talking about Alex's bunny Bailey, when David rested his hand about halfway up my thigh, pushing my skirt up just the slightest bit.

Though I moved his hand three separate times, it always found its way back, each time a bit higher.

"Stop," I told him repeatedly. "We're just friends, remember?"

"This is friendly," David shrugged like it meant nothing, when he and I both knew it didn't.

Finally, I channeled my inner Everleigh, who was much crazier and much pettier, and grabbed Todd's hand, pulling it from the table and placing it at nearly the same spot on the other thigh. He gave me a confused look, but with a "just go with it" and a shrug, he did just that.

David was not happy about that move. I noticed his jaw tick, and his grip on my thigh became just slightly tighter. His usual bubbly personality disappeared, and he stayed pretty quiet for the rest of lunch.

I was pretty sure the only reason he didn't want to tell me to move Todd's hand is because that would be proof that I was right and he was wrong. He was too stubborn to deal with anything like that. Instead, he walked away after lunch without even so much as a goodbye.

I smirked to myself. Job complete.

hi bitches whats up

im so bored and tomorrow is my 2 week diet weigh in so im nervous!! i hope ive lost more weight, but looking at myself, i dont even think i can tell a difference

anyways vote and comment if u like

smooches everyone xoxo abby

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