chapter 18

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I woke up with my body being sore. I looked around, I was in my room? What happened last night? Last thing I remembered was running out of Jason’s house. Wait! My neck! I went to check my neck but soon realized I had a paw instead of a hand. I was so started that I fell on the floor.

“Where is she?” I heard a voice command from outside.

“She’s sleeping leave her alone for now” said another familiar voice, it almost sounded like… Derek!

“I need to see her’ the other voice growled making me purr. Wait, purr?

‘Need mate’ someone said. My eye widened 

‘Who said that?’ I asked.

‘I did’ it replied like it was totally normal.

‘Who are you?’ I wondered.

‘I’m your wolf; it’s about time I got out. I’ve been here for so long waiting to break free’

‘I remember Jason telling me about wolves, but I didn’t know I was one... how come you’re just now appearing?’ I asked.

‘When Jason bit you it awoke me letting me break out because I wasn’t allowed out before. We are special Skylar we have to be protected’ It said.

‘Wait why-‘I was about to ask when she shushed me.

‘Shhh listen to what our mates saying.’ She said.

“Derek, she’s my mate. And she’s in there. I’m your alpha you will obey. “The guy said making me purr. His voice sounded so familiar though!

“Derek come on man this isn’t like you I know you scared for your mate but don’t use your alpha title on me” my brother was saying.

“Derek, open the door now!” his voice boomed. Normally a voice like that would have made me scared but for some reason it made me wolf purr louder.

Everything was still for a minute until the door slowly creaked open. I saw my bother standing there but he looked uncomfortable, like he couldn’t move.

“Leave us” Jason said in a normal voice

Derek growled “no”

“LEAVE US NOW” Jason said his voice booming off the walls making me whimper and cower back.

“Just Derek growled and unwilling walked away.

I growled at Jason. How dare he order my brother around!

“Skylar calm down its okay I’m here now” he said.

What was he talking about! I didn’t even want to see him right now.

‘But I do’ my wolf said.

Well I don’t okay?

“Skylar you’re not in my pack yet. I can’t communicate to with through a mind link yet you need to shift” he said. 

I rolled my eyes and snorted, it probably would have sounded weird in dog form…

“Skylar I’m not kidding shift” he said getting more serious

I stood my ground and glared at him.

“Shift” he commanded his eye glowing a certain black color. The command bounced around in my head trying to force its way in but it had no effect. Did he just try to... use his alpha command… on me?

His eyes widened in confusion. I felt my anger build as I started growling at him.

“What? - sky calm down” he urged as I hopped of the bed. I’m surprised I landed; I had no idea what I was doing.

I growled walking towards him, if he thinks he can waltz right in disrespect my family and try to control me he has another thing coming!

I lunged at him and knocked him over because he clearly wasn’t expecting the blow. 

Just then a giant wolf appeared beneath me. It took everything I had inside me to not let my wolf break out. He had bright crystal blue eyes with dark brown coat, almost black. I saw his wolf before but this time it was different. I was his equal.

I jumped off of him and ran downstairs; luckily the back door was open.

“Sky!” I heard Derek yell as I sprinted out the back door into the forest. I had to admit I was a pretty fast runner. I ran and ran until my heart was content.

I ran and ran until I couldn’t run anymore. Derek must have stalled Jason for me awhile back.

I lay down and whimpered. I just wanted to go home and for it all to be normal. I wanted someone to explain to me. Wait my brother called me sky, wait he knew I was a wolf! Is he a wolf too?

I turned my head right as I heard the crunch of a leaf

(hey guys thanks for the 200 votes!!! tell me what you guys think or want to see!!!)

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