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Tyler stands at his door, looking out the peep hole standing on his tippy toes. He was waiting. Waiting for his neighbor to open the door directly across from his to leave to go to work.

Tyler knew this was probably classified as creepy or even stalkerish but he couldnt help himself. His neighbor was personally crafted with just the right amount of hot and beautiful by god himself. Tyler's knees get weak everytime he sees him.

When the door finally opens Tyler's breath hitches. The man is dressed in his work suit and he looks so good. He watches the man lock his apartment door before taking off down the hall and Tyler's struggling to a control his breathing.

His knees buckle and he turns so his back is pressed to the door, sliding down until his butt was on the floor. He was smiling, hiding his blushy cheeks in his hands even though there was no one else in his apartment but himself.

Later that day Tyler had left his apartment, only going as far as the mailboxes on the first floor to retrieve his mail. He rarely ever leaves the building. His flipping through the evolves he received when someone entered the building, letting in a breeze of cold winters air.

Tyler turned to see who it was, freezing at the sight of his neighbor. He didnt move, didnt speak, just stared with his mouth hanging open slightly. "Its freezing out." The man said, coming over to get his own mail.

Tyler's breathing picked up, he was standing less then five feet from the God and he felt like he was going to faint. "You okay?" The man asked as he unlocked this mailbox with the small silver key.

Tyler's response was a small barely audible moan as he pressed his thighs together, the man was so hot up close and oh god his voice. Tyler really felt like he was gonna pass out when the man stopped what he was doing to turn completely towards him, concern written all over his face.

"Are you okay?" The man asked again, his voice soft and gentle and caring and crap Tyler was so lightheaded. When the mans hand landed on his shoulder he was gasping quietly his eyes falling shut as his little body trembled. He gripped his mail tightly.

When he opened his eyes again there were tears and his cheeks were a bright pink color. "Hey no dont cry." The man said, feeling horrible that the younger Male looked so scared and vulnerable.

Tyler was pushing away quickly, bolting up the stairs, tripping on the first few steps, embarrassing himself further. "Are you okay?" The man quickly as about to run over but Tyler was up and running up the stairs. "Hey wait you forgot your-" the man called but Tyler was already gone, slamming his door shut and locking the two locks on it.

He turned around and stared at the floor with wide eyes and furrowed brows. He had just came in his pants, untouched because Josh, his god-like neighbor he interacted with him. He was mortified.

He stood there with the cum drying in his underwear for a good fifteen minutes before there was a knock at the door. He jumped away and stared at the painted wood, anxiety bubbling in his chest.

He peeked through the peep hole to see Josh standing there and then he was hyperventilating. He didnt know what to do. He wanted to open the door and just jump into Josh's arms, letting him protect him and love him and baby him but he would never ever do that, too nervous.

Josh knocked again. "Come on I know you're in there. Dont be scared I'm not gonna hurt you.. you dropped your mail when you fell... just wanted to give it back." He spoke softly through the barrier and with shaky hands Tyler unlocked the door.

He opened it a tiny itty bitty little crack and peered up at Josh who smiled softly and held out Tyler's mail for him. Cautiously Tyler opened the door wider and gently took the envelopes from Josh's big hands with his much smaller ones.

"Are you okay? Did you hurt your knees when you fell?" Josh asked in a voice that made Tyler feel like a puddle of melted gushy blushy shyness on the floor. He sounded like he was genuinely concerned about the youngers well being.

Tyler only stared at him, shaking slightly as he held his mail as close to his chest as possible. "Are you mute?" Josh asked softly. Crap, Tyler thought, this is it. Hes never gonna want to see me or talk to me again. I'm never gonna have a chance with him. Why do I gotta be so-

"Hey that's okay you dont have to verbally reply just... nod or shake your head.. or even do hand signals or something, like hold up one finger for yes and two for no." Josh said and Tyler never wanted to kiss someone so badly. Josh is so kind, so caring, so considerate, so- so just- Wow.

Shyly, Tyler held up one finger. He had hurt his knees when he fell. His kneecaps hit right off the edge of the steps and he was almost positive they were bruising. Josh frowned. "Well do you want me to help? I- you could come over and I could give you an ice pack or something and maybe make you something to eat?" He asked.

Oh Please please oh gosh. Tyler babbled nonsense in his head. He was blushing and felt very warm but he set his mail on the counter and carefully shut the door to his apartment. Josh set his hand out and Tyler gently slid his small delicate little hand into Josh's big strong one.

He almost whined at the feeling of Josh's hand in his own, almost. Carefully with slow caring steps josh lead Tyler across the hall. He didnt protest or yell at Tyler to hurry up when the boys steps were slow and uncertain. He just calmly and gently encouraged him.

Oh and how Tyler was so in love.

(Another new story hello)

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