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Ray had won his match with great effort but as a result he had to go to hospital.

Tomorrow was the final match, but before leaving you excused yourself form the team.

You: Excuse me...

You said and turned to leave.

Kenny: Athena where are you going?

You: To have a word with Voltaire, this is something that needs to be addressed.

Kai: There's no point, no amount of professionalism can stop what's coming, they are out for blood and that's what they want. This isn't a sport to them, it's a real battle and a true war.

You: I see...well come on, we need to leave, now

You ordered and with that you all returned to the Hotel, the rest of the day was ahead of them and for the whole day, the only intention was to do everything they can in their power to prepare for tomorrow.

However; you, Kai and Tyson had taken off to the woods behind the hotel you were all staying in, all while Kenny and Max were seeing to Judy and Max's father.

The woods were being torn apart as Tyson and Kai were going at it!

You however were just watching and observing trying to help contemplate strategy that could help tomorrow.

At the end of their first try they both sliced down two trees.

You: Bloody hell you guys!

Kai: Those are some sweet moves shrimp.

Tyson: That was cool, no way those Demolition bozos are gonna squash me!

Kai: That's right, they'll all be too busy chuckling at your lame jokes.

You lightly smiled and giggled at Kai.

Tyson and Kai then went at it once more.

Kai: The most important thing you'll ever learn is to have fun, always have fun and no one can truly beat you!

Tyson: Oh man now he's getting corny on me, I liked you better when you were a jerk.

Kai: You'll be sorry you said that.

You then burst into laughter and then decided to also launch your blade surprising them both.

For a little bit of time you were all smashing into each other, when suddenly you hear three loud slashes, you all turned and saw a huge tree falling towards you all.

You: Tyson look out!

You shouted and ran to move him out the way, causing you both to go tumbling into the snow.

You: Oh, Christ it's freezing!

Voice: Oops I guess I forgot to say timber.

You all heard chuckling and looked up to surprisingly see Michael, Robert and Lee.

You: What on earth...

Kai then walked over and helped you to your feet.

Kai: What do you want?

Michael: Chill out Kai, we just wanted to help Tyson beat those Biovault dudes that's all

Lee: We're here to give you a serious work out!

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