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A flash of light and for some reason your mind was now full of all these strange memories and recollections.

You: oh, good Lord! I...I stole Kai's Dranzer, I fought against my Team! I...Boris! Now what am I going to do?! I can't just walk out of here or else they might try and erase my memories again. But I certainly can't stay here. But I remember everything now, so I can set it right...however Boris and the Demolition Boys don't know that.

You smirked and ran to the bathroom and sorted yourself out a bit

You: But before I leave, I should find out exactly what Boris is up to, and I know just the guy I can get this information out of, I know I can work my way out, but this is going to be slightly sleazy

You then left the bathroom and took a deep breath and quietly opened your door. Looking around the corridor you saw it was clear. Still you shut the door gently and made your way to Tala's room.

Once there however you saw the door slightly open and you could hear familiar voices, Boris and Tala.

Boris: Don't worry Tala, everything is under control the Cyber process will be done to you for final match

Tala: Good, that brainwashing simulation you ran on long should it last?

Boris: Quite a while, we haven't found any instant cure that's been known to return her memory. Would take a miracle, but for good measure, altering her Bit Beast should maintain keeping her with us

Tala: She does and seems to have developed quite a lust for power. She must have been like that earlier in life or else she would not have taken to that dark Bit Beast so easily

Your thoughts: I used to crave power, but learned it's not everything

Boris: Sadly, because her Bit Beast was not genetically created the only downside would be the less, she uses it the faster the darkness in her fades

Tala: Seems to last a while, she was rather angry just now

Boris: Maybe so, but do control yourself Tala

Tala: Please I told her I'm her boyfriend; once she calms down, she'll come to me

Your thoughts: Oh, you have no idea

Quietly you ran back to your door and opened then closed it rather loudly

Your thoughts: I'm sure they heard that

So, with that you went back to Tala's door and knocked on it, Boris answered and looked at you rather confused

Boris: Athena, is something wrong?

You: No, I wish to speak to Tala; alone

Boris: I see...Tala you have a visitor

He said as he stepped aside allowing you to come in

Tala: Something you wanna say?

You: As a matter of fact, I do...

Boris: I'll leave you to it

He then left the room not closing the door behind him, so you did instead, you then turned to face Tala while leaning against the door.

Tala: Well?

You: I'm so very sorry for rejecting you earlier, but I hope you understand why I reacted in such a manner

Tala: I suppose it makes sense, you were overwhelmed; I suppose I would be too

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