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The matches you saw were heart wrenching, it was a horrific sight to see what Kai had done, and how he ruthlessly stole those Bit Beasts.

So later that night you all wrapped up and made your way to the Abbey once more, you passed the front gate to the front door and standing there was a guard.

Tyson: Kai! Kai are you in there?! Kai it's me Tyson and the Team can you hear me?!

Guard: No one will answer you, there's no one called Kai here

You: You expect us to believe that you liar

Guard: Kid's there is no Kai here, so just go home ok?

Tyson: Something's not right

Kenny: Maybe he can't answer, maybe he's trapped

Tyson: Then we search

So too start you all split into three parts, Kenny and Tyson, Max and Ray then you on your own you all met at another steel door together and reported you couldn't find anything yet.

Tyson: Ok guys, we're going inside!

So, Tyson and Max attempted to open the door

Max: It won't open!

Tyson: That does it! Stand aside!

Tyson shot out his Blade so hard and fast that is loosened the door

Kenny: Tyson you've set of the alarm!

You: It doesn't matter we're going in to get Kai

So, Max and Tyson pushed the door more open and you all ran in

Kenny: Are you crazy?!

As you ran in Kenny was the first to be caught by a boy who reported him then Max stayed behind to help.

You, Tyson and Ray however ran on ahead as Max insisted that you carry on and look for Kai no matter what.

You carried on running and ran into a small ally like section

Tyson: I think we've lost them

Ray: Not for long pal, let's split up, I'll draw their attention while you go find Kai

Tyson: Sounds like a plan

You: Ray be careful

You tightly hugged him, Ray smiled then ran out and was noticed by some boys who were looking all over the Abbey for them. You and Tyson remained still and saw as they chased Ray away down the hall.

You: Come on!

You both came out and made a run down the other way and came to a crossroads of halls

Tyson: Great, which way?

You: Through the doors

So, you both went through and quickly closed the door behind you.

You: Thank goodness

Tyson: Oh gosh

You: What?

You then turned around to see yourselves in a type of Lab

You: What on earth is this place?

The place was surrounded by huge tubes with little holograms before them, Tyson went close towards one and looked into it, then in the water emerged a blue Bit Beast inside the large container.

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