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The exhibition match was to start after the introductions from Boris and Jazzman.

However, the response received from Russia towards the All Stars was naturally a little rude.

Tyson: What the heck is going on here? How come no one is cheering for em Chief?

Dizzy: Maybe because we're in Russia

You: That's because the All-stars a.k.a Americans have never been very popular here, partly because they have been rivals for years.

Tyson: Wow cool, go All-stars!

Max: Good luck mom!

DJ: And now let's introduce the mighty Demolition boys! Give it up for Ian!

You: Hmm

Tyson: Now they go all nuts with the cheering

Max: They take their blading very serious here

Steve: Good luck punk

Ian: I don't need it, while you and your useless team mates were busy studying our data, we were busy building the best Beyblades around

Steve: Why you...!

They stood ready and waiting at the dish. But little did they expect in no time and in a flash of surprise.... Steve had lost.

Next was Eddie who was indeed a good Blader, but his opponent was Tala.

Your thoughts: I know he's not exactly a good guy but...he is kinda cute

Tyson: Athena you ok?

You: Huh? Yes, yes, I'm just fine thank you

They went in flashing and in that single flash Tala took victory and it indeed shocked everyone with how fast The Demolition boys won.

You: Hmm I have to say they are impressive

Kenny: But Athena-

You: Admit it, look they are amazing, such power

Ray: Well I hope someone beats them before they beat us

You: Well I for one am not afraid

DJ: So, if the All-stars lose the next battle then the Demolition boys take the victory! So now we have Michael and from the Demolition Boys surprise Blader

You: Surprise Blader...?

Then out of the darkness in the hallway came Kai, everyone was in shock and surprise

DJ: Give it up for Kai!


Kenny: How could he do this to us?!

Max: Yeah!

Tyson then ran out of his seat and out onto the stage near Kai

Tyson: Hey Kai!

Ray: How could he do this?!

You however, because you were still in shock remained in your seat.

Kai: How about I take on your whole team?

Michael: What?!

Kai: I said I'll take on your whole team. Or are you too chicken?

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