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So, you had been visited by an escort, who was taking you and the guys to meet Kai.

You all boarded and sat buckled up as the helicopter took off.

Kenny: So where are you taking us anyway?

Man: To a secret location chosen by mater Kai

Tyson: Leave it to Kai to drag us all the way to no where's Ville. Seriously if he wanted to leave those guys and come back to the Bladebreakers, can't he just call us on the phone.

Ray: No phones this far dude

Tyson: So, no TV either?!

You: -. -'

Soon you were now over the Baikal Lake.

You: Oh wow

Man: This is lake Baikal one of the oldest on the planet

Kenny: It's over 25 million years old and 2 kilometres down

Tyson: Well I hope it's thick

You: It will be, it gets pretty cold here in Siberia; quite often planes and helicopters are the only way to get around

Tyson: No traffic jams here

Ray: Look down there!

Tyson: It's Kai!

As soon as it landed you all jumped out

Kai: Took you long enough

Tyson: Hey Kai!

Kai: All together again huh

Tyson: Well yeah

Kai: Never again! The days of Kai's Bladebreakers are threw

Tyson: Kai come on you don't have to do this, take back everything

Kai: I have made my decision Tyson, ever since that day I became a...ugh, Bladebreaker; I resented being thrown in with a bunch of no talents

You: No talents huh?

Kai: Now is the time to finally prove my superiority, by beating the Bladebreakers at the one thing they love the most, I don't care about Championships, or titles or trophies. All I want to do is increase the strength of Black Dranzer and to become the most powerful balder ever. All I have to do is beat my old team, it's not official but it'll have to do.

Tyson: Kai why?!

Kai: To become the best one must defeat the best

Kenny: Kai-

Tyson: No Kenny, if our old buddy Kai wants to have a fight then he's going to get it!

Ray: Then I'll take him on too
Tyson: Back off Ray

Ray: No chance of that dude; when I was with the White Tigers, things were a lot different back then, I was afraid all the time. I didn't know what it meant to have a real team at your side, I will not let Kai make a mockery out of what you guys mean to me.

Kenny: The same goes for me, I always thought you were a part of the Team Kai, even though you never wanted to admit it! I thought you always felt a little something for us

Kai: Sorry Chief, didn't feel a thing, except maybe a little indigestion when you started one of your speeches; now where's the 5th stooge hiding, I can't afford to lose another day with my busy schedule

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