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You were all confused by the behaviour of the young Beybladers but were pulled from your thoughts by a voice.

Voice: Ah there you are; you must be the famous Bladebreakers

You then noticed a strange expression come across Kai's expression or realisation and worry, then you drew your attention to a middle-aged man who came around the corner with the kid that just ran off. He was dressed in long black clothes and wore a black hat.

Man: Welcome to the world Championships, my name is Boris Balkhoff, and I am

Chairman of the tournament. We've heard so much about you and it's a pleasure to finally meet you, if you will perhaps, we can continue our conversation over lunch?

Next thing you heard was a huge grumbling from Tyson's stomach

All: -. -' -_- -_-; o.O :S

Boris: That' answers that then, lunch is on me, and we had better hurry up before he collapses from hunger; so, follow me

Your thoughts: So, he's the new man in charge, I get the feeling I should keep a low profile...hopefully he won't ask me too many things

So, you all followed on behind Boris, as you came to the front door you noticed Kai had stopped and was reading a sign off the wall.

You: Kai? What's the matter? You ok?

Kai: Huh? I'm fine

You then looked at the sign yourself

You: Um my Russian isn't that great, what's that sign say?

You lied, but if it was the only way for you both to talk without him biting your head off you would say anything

Kai: Balkhoff Abby... I think this is the Demolition boys training centre

You: Oh...I think I've heard of them

Tyson: Come on you two, you can chat and flirt later

Kai: Oh, shut up Tyson!

So, you followed and were led to a large dining room to eat


Tyson: That was amazing

Kenny: So good

You: Thank you it was lovely

Boris: Wait a moment, you're Miss Starline, aren't you? I almost didn't recognise you, it's been years since I've seen you

Kenny: You've met Boris?

You: No...not personally I don't think

Boris: Don't worry, we haven't officially met until today, I only recognise you because the last time I saw you Beybattle at a previous Russian Tournament, you were quite young; I was in the audience watching you at the time

You: That explains it

Boris: Well it is an honour and a pleasure to have you here at the Abby

You: Charmed I'm sure

Voice: Give me 6 more!

You all then turned to a large courtyard in the middle of the building, there were rows and rows of kids standing there and appeared to be practising launching without a Beyblade. And were supervised by a random guy also dressed in long black clothing.

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