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Boris laughed in joy and congratulated the Demolition Boys.

Boris: Well done Boys, now I can see we shall have no problem wining the World Championships

You then went into deep thought about your Blading skills. Tala then sat next to you and nudged your shoulder.

Tala: What's your problem?

You: I...I was just wondering um...this may sound stupid but is my style of Blading like any of yours?

Tala: Well-

Boris: Your style of Blading is more...vibrant and full on, not sure if you remember but you are the previous world champion

You: No, I remember that

Boris: Good, so you know your Style of Blading is rough, swift, violent and to the point; which also means you tend to avoid any Blading which is nothing but child's play to you

You: Sounds rough...

Tala: You may change your mind once you Blade again, in fact...Boris?

Boris: I agree Tala, Dimitri!

Then a boy with deep short red hair and blue eyes stepped forward

Boris: You will battle Miss Starline here and she will then determine your worth based on your performance in battle

The boy seemed nervous but agreed. Boris smiled and pushed a button on the wall which made a Beystadium emerged from the floor.

Boris: Athena, Dimitri stand ready

You: Alright...I- uh oh- my blade! Where is it?!

Boris: Oh, I forgot, here; we upgraded it for you

He then handed you a small black box, carefully you opened it to see a Black and silver Blade inside with your beautiful Bit Beats in the centre.

Boris: The Blade as well as the Bit Beast itself has been enforced with a great deal of power

You: I see, well thank you

He then handed you a silver launcher and black rip cord

You: Thanks

You and Dimitri stood on opposite sides of the Classic Dish

Tala:3...2...1...LET IT RIP!!!

You both launched your Blade. But as you did a strange sensation came over you. It made you feel so very hypnotised...the only emotion in your mind and heart were vengeful.

You only wanted to win, and you would do anything to ensure that victory would happen.

You: Dimitri, sorry to say this but your Blade is history!

You venomously said as you simply looked at your blade and it rapidly shot into Dimitri's shattering it into hundreds of pieces.

Boris smirked and lightly laughed

Boris: Excellent work Athena, you are clearly back to normal; but what of Dimitri

You: As soon as we land, he's out of here, no room for dead weight on this team!

Boris: As you wish

Dimitri: Athena! No, no please have mercy! I beg you! I can do better! I...I just couldn't measure up to you!

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