European Saga-Chapter-16

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Morning came, the match was at 11 and it was 9:30 so you're ran into the bathroom and had a quick shower. You came out and swiftly changed into your usual outfit.

You: Meep 10am hope those boys are ready?

Grabbing your bits, you ran down to the dining room and saw the guys having breakfast

Ray: There you are, come on grab a bite, we're leaving in 15min

You downed some milk and pancakes. Then off to the Limo to the Olympia Arena.

Once there everyone was in awe at the stadium.

Ray: It's huge

Kenny: Almost 3 times bigger than the Glitter Dome

You: Come on guys

Tyson: Woah this place has everything! And it's all ours!

Kenny, Max, Ray and Kai had gone to the prep room. You were with Tyson making sure he wasn't getting into trouble. Sadly, in the crowd you lost him, there certainly was a great deal of people there.

So many that you actually fell back into someone 

You: Oh my deepest apologies, but thank you for catching me

Man: Oh my pleasure my dear

You gasped as your eyes widened and looked up to see Sanguinex 

You: You!

Sanguinex: How lovely to run into you again

You: Oh yeah real lovely, excuse me

You were going to turn and run but was stopped as he pulled you back by your shoulders so your back was against his chest.

Sanguinex: Scream and I'll make you into one of us

You remained quiet...not willingly mind you

You: So what do you want? My bit beast?

Sanguinex: No, we need the help of your Team

You: I'm sorry, what?

He rested his head on your shoulder and you shivered at his ice-cold skin.

Sanguinex: There is a Curse on the Dark Blader, which can only be lifted by defeating the ones who made us like this

You: You mean Robert, Johnny, Oliver and Enrique

Sanguinex: Exactly, once your Team defeats them our curse will be lifted

You: What do we get form this?

You questioned, even though at this point...not so wise.

Sanguinex: Valid question, we will never bother you again or your Team

You: Oh agreed

Sanguinex: But that's only if you win

Voice: Athena!

You then saw Tyson running towards you

Sanguinex: So don't fail us

He swiftly said as he slid his tongue along the side of your neck


He then disappeared

Tyson: Athena, you ok?

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