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Morning came and you were all on your way to the airport and already aboard the plane heading off to the Asian Tournament.

Soon enough you arrived and were on a bus driving through China heading to the stadium where the tournament was going to be held.

You were sitting on your own near the front of the bus and Tyson and Kenny behind you together then Ray behind then Max on the opposite side of Tyson and Kenny and Kai waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay in the back.

Tyson: Woah get a loadda this view chief

Kenny: China sure is awesome isn't it Tyson, if I didn't know better I would say that it's just one big oil painting. It's too bad we won't have time for sightseeing.

Tyson: I know but let's not forget the real reason we're here

Soon enough you all arrived and made your way off the bus with Mr. D leading the way

Mr. D: That's it over there

He pointed with his cane.

Tyson: Wow check it out! The stadium stretches all the way up those rock pillars, almost to the clouds

You: Well guys allllll the way up there is where the tournament is going to be held- well the finals anyway, this particular stadium is known as the China Tower

Tyson: Come on guys! We've got some, rock climbing to do

You: Or we could use the stairs. Come on

You then began to make your way inside to the main hall to check out who was blading first

You: Ray check it out I'll be right back I have to do the final checks at the desk

Ray: Sure


You: Hey looks like our team is first up in group A

Tyson: That's great we don't have to stand around all day

Max: You're so impatient you know that Tyson?

Tyson: Give me a break Max, so I'm just a little bit eager I just wanna get this party stared

Voice: Well, well look what the cat dragged in

You all stopped and turned to meet eye to eye with your old team, the White Tigers

Tyson: You again huh?

You: Lee

Lee: So, what's up? Are you the tournament mascots?

Tyson: Very funny but we plan to win

Lee: Yeah right, dream on

Mariah: You DO realise that you're in group A and the White Tigers are in group B

Kevin: Which means even if you fluke a first-round win, we'll be going head to head eventually

Voice: I'll have you know I'm sure we look quite forward to it

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