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You had just spoke to the Bladebreakers who claim that the Demolition boys were lying to you.

You had returned to the Abby and locked yourself in your room, nervous, scared and confused. Until there was a knock at your door.

You: What?!

The door swung open and in came Tala

Tala: Why are you storming around here banging doors closed?! You won the first match what's the problem?!

You: I just feel so enraged!

Tala: Must still have the hunger and energy to absorb more sacred spirits

You: Yeah right, you can leave now

Tala: Just because you beat Kai doesn't mean you can start acting all high and mighty!

You: Back off Tala! I don't need you lecturing me, I can kick your sorry behind all around the dish and you know it!

Tala: Not without that altered Bit you couldn't!

You: I'm sorry, "altered"?

You questioned in confusion

Tala: Forget it!

He then left slamming the door as he went

You: No need to slam doors...hmm altered?

You pulled out Drazzira and looked down at her

You: Something is wrong with this Blade; I'll have to mull this over; better dress for bed

So, you grabbed your bag and tipped it all over the bed, you then rummaged through it and came across a sky-blue silk nightdress

You: That'll do

So, you slipped it on and began gathering the clothes and putting them back in the bags. However, as you did so you heard something rattle then fall to the floor.

You: What on Earth...?

You then leaned over the bed and looked on the floor to see a Blade.

You: Hmm?

It was a stunning violet and silver

You: It's beautiful, wonder where this came from

You laid on your bed and held it up before you, gazing at it.

You: I wonder

You then grabbed your Blade and took out the Bit

You: This may be better

You clipped it to the middle of your Blade.

You: You look right at home

Suddenly the Bit began glowing a stunning purple. Then a strange wave came over you and a surge of power emerged from it.

It seemed so great that suddenly everything went black.


She just ran full of confusion, leaving you all behind once more

Tyson: Why'd she run off guys?

Mr D: You have to understand boys; her behaviour is not her fault; we don't know what Boris did to her; I just hope she's alright

Max: I'm sure she is guys, being a World Champion, she won't have any problem overcoming this

You: I hope so, we sure could use her for the last two matches

Ray: Yeah, her cheery support would be a nice uplift right about now

Tyson: Not even those hundreds of fans from out Fan Club could cheer me up right now

Everyone sighed in sorrow.

Mr D: Come on boys let's go back to the Hotel

Silently you all followed Mr D to the bus and back to the Hotel

Your thoughts: It's not enough they use me, but they kidnap and brainwash her; you will pay for this Boris!

Tyson: Yo Kai, you alright buddy?

You: Huh? Oh, I'm fine Tyson; don't worry about me

The journey back was covered in an awkward silence that no one wanted to break, because perhaps of a strange fear of anyone shattering.


Unaware of how much time had passed you were still faintly asleep and moist. In a sudden realisation it was on your lips your eyes snapped open and you screamed as you saw Tala laying on top of you. You threw him off you and jumped off the bed.

Tala: What the World Champ too good to get laid?

You: By you, yes! Now get out you creep!

Tala stood up and slowly walked over to you.

Tala: Don't forget I'm your boyfriend

You: Oh, I beg your pardon?!

Tala: Poor you, that bump blew out a lot of memory for you to forget that, plus I think Boris neglected to tell you

You: Yeah right, now get out!

The door then opened and in came Boris.

Boris: Tala, please return to your room

Tala nodded then up and left. Boris remained to check on you.

Boris: Everything alright Athena?

You: Yes, um...Tala just startled me

Boris: Very well, I'll take my leave

So, Boris left and closed the door behind him

You: Boyfriend?! Really? - oh screw it

You then walked back over to your bed and saw the same Blade you picked up earlier by your pillow, you held it in your hands once more.

You: You made me pass out earlier, what's up with that?

Suddenly that same purple glow emerged from your Blade you gasped as the same great surge of power erupted and threw you back into the wall causing you to hit your head.

A second or two after you stood up rubbing your head continuously

You: Man, that was not a charming experience- w...where on Earth am I...why am I...

You trailed off for a moment thinking about everything that had happened.


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