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There were strange mummers from the audience as they were all very confused anyone who was anyone knew what kind of person she was and everyone knew she was you're your Captain...all except her herself.

You however were thrown into were finally going to battle her...but as an enemy

Tyson: Oh no, what are we gonna do guys?

Kenny: There's nothing we can do Tyson we just have to offer Kai all our support

Ray: But chief she's a team mate and one of the best Beybladers in the world

Kai: I can take her...I've always wanted to battle her and now I get the chance I'm not backing down

Max: Go get em Kai!

You walked to the dish and stood before her with a straight face

Your thoughts: I can't let any feelings distract me

Athena: You're going down cutie!

The floor opened and you both gazed at the dish which was selected to be the Black Sea bowel

Athena: This, bowl requires lots of control, hope you have a lot Kai

You: You would know wouldn't you Athena

Athena: I'll teach you a lesson Kai and then I'll take your Bit from you!

Kai: I don't think so Athena! You're not a member of their team! You've been brainwashed!

You: Yeah right!

Kai: Athena-

Athena: Shut up! Fight me! I wanna see you beg me to put you out of your misery Kai! How dare you leave the Demolition Boys!

Kai: Well I'll have to beat you to prove my point!

DJ: 3...2...1 LET IT RIIIIIIP!


The match started and you were smashing each other onto the streets, but you let up a bit and Kai launched you into the water.

You remained silent and smiled as a huge whirlpool formed in the water

You: Nice try hunny!

A tidal wave the emerged and overcame Dranzer!

You: I have the power to control all elements and I can take anyone down!

In a flash of purple silver and black your Bit Beast emerged in all it stunning power!

You: Drazzira! Let's so do this!

DJ: It's a spectacular battle can Dranzer survive Athena's attack?!

You: GO NOW!

Kai: You're defence is vulnerable

You: Oh you sucker!

You smirked as the water put out Dranzer's fire based attack and Dranzer was knocked out

You: HA! I beat you Kai!

You giggled in joy and called your Blade back

You: I won Sir

Boris: It took you far too long-

You: Don't test me Boris!

Boris: What?!

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