European Saga-Chapter-15

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Morning came and you were woken up by knocking at the door

You: *yawn* come in

The door opened and Gustauf was there with a tray.

Gustauf: Good morning Miss Starline, I have breakfast for you

You: Oh thank you, where's my team?

Gustauf: In the kitchen, they should be done soon

You: Yes, it's 11 or so now so we shall leave soon

Gustauf: Very good, please enjoy; master Robert ordered you to be served in your chambers

You: Oh I bet he did, thank you, that'll be all

He then left you to eat

You were served a typical English Breakfast with a cup of tea and glass of orange juice

Once you were done you changed and headed down to the kitchen

You: Right lads, let's get going- oh my!

Tyson: This is great!

Max: Yeah, I was so hungry!

You: Guys! We should leave now

Tyson: Huh? Nope we're not goin

You: Pardon?

Tyson: Oh this bacon is good!

You: Tyson, Kenny, Max, Ray please

You then heard complaining from down the hall

Gustauf: They've been eating non-stop since 8 this morning! They've gone through everything in the house I'm not kidding Sir these kids are like a plague of locus!

You then slowly turned around to see Robert and Gustauf

Tyson: Oh yeah! More of that food!

Robert with a frozen expression walked over to Tyson

You: Oh no

Tyson: Hi Robert, care to join us?

Robert: You're still here? I said that you could stay here but of course only for one night

Kenny: We tried to leave this morning but we were so hungry we could barely move

Max: Yeah that's right, we had no choice but to stay, for like 5 or 6 breakfasts

Robert: Athena!

You: Woah hey I just got down here!

Robert: Breakfast is over, pack your things and get ready to leave the premises. Gustauf get the car ready

Tyson: Don't bother Gustauf

You+Robert: What?!

Tyson: We're not going anywhere, none of us are leaving until you and I have had our Beybattle

Robert: You're kidding me? Athena what is the meaning of this?

You: I...I don't know anything about this

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