European Saga-Chapter-13

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You all proceeded down a corridor after him till you reached a set of double doors

Ray: Where are we goin?

Johnny: I sure hope you know what you're doing Robert

Robert unlocked a door and pushed it open

Tyson: Woah

You then realized where you now were, Robert's family Armor room that lead to his training room

Ray: What is this place?

Max: Whoa, look at all this neat stuff

Ray: Amazing

Robert: Welcome to my family's Armor room. As you can see I come from a long line of knights.

During the middle ages my family fought many battles to defend their land, and this very castle you sand in. They were never defeated

Robert them explained the source of his family power which had been passed down from generation to generation

It was Griffoleon.

Robert: Many tried to defeat Griffoleon but failed. And now it has been passed down to me

He then showed his blade to you all

Robert: Forgive me for being so smug but I have good reason. I have not lost and nor will I love a battle, I hope my family history has enlightened you

Your thoughts: Whoo hoo, if they only knew

Robert: Now you understand why I see no reason to take you on in battle

Johnny: Ha, you crack me up, I wish I had a nickel for every time I've heard that story

Tyson: I've heard enough! Next you'll tell me a tale about the Dark Bladers or have you suddenly forgotten about them too?

Robert: Ah yes, the Dark Bladers, you know about them

You: A few encounters

Tyson: We're the ones that sent them back to zombie land where they belong

Robert: Your point is?

Ray: He's saying to you that we're strong enough to beat them just like you

Tyson: Robert, I'm ready to challenge you, I know you think you can't be beat but since we battle on the ship, I've come a long way. And even you know how tough they beating the Dark Bladers is because you're the first one who defeated Sanguinex

Robert: I've heard enough

Tyson whipped out his blade

Tyson: I say your chicken

Kenny: No Tyson, whatever you're thinking you're no match for him. He'll destroy you and Dragoon

Tyson: Come on chief I know what I'm doing!

Ray: Forget about him, fight me

Tyson: But Ray

You: Ray what do you-

Max: I'll take you on next

You: Oh good grief

Johnny: Ah ha, this should be fun, so you all wanna play, well boys whatta ya say we make this wager a little more interesting; like you beat me to get to Robert. But of course you know that'll never happen right

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