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Judy: These 3 competitors should prove more than a match for your team

Emily: You can still back out if you're scared

She then stopped to face Kai

Emily: Got something to say there tough guy?

Kai: This is a waste of time

Tyson: Count me in! What about you Ray?

Ray: I'm not about to back away from a challenge

Tyson: Max?

Max: What's going on here mom...?

Judy: All players please head to the training room, this will be a best of 3 match, whichever team wins 2 sessions will be the winner

Tyson: Awesome! I'll start first

First up was Tony, a guy who dressed similar to a rap artists; and he would be up against Tyson.

You then saw he had a microphone type Beyblade launcher

You: Interesting

Judy: Players ready for launch, ready, 3...2...1 Let it rip!

And it began...Tyson had won but through the process Tony was using rap music as his bit power.

But that didn't stop Tyson he won and it was a good match.

Sort of...seemed a LITTLE strange and somewhat easy

Emily: We have to work on your rhythm and timing, go on Andy show em' how it's done

Andy: I'm all over it

Now this boy dressed like he was an artist -.-'

Max: Really awesome Tyson

Tyson: It was a piece of cake

Ray: If this is the best they have to offer they we have no worries, I'll take the next battle

You: Oh don't be so confident boys

Ray stepped forward and stood ready before Andy

Ray: Well isn't that a cute Beyblade

Andy: It's art, need me to paint you a picture?

His launcher was in the shape of an art pallet and the rip cord was a paint brush

You: Wow they really go all out with these things nowadays

Judy: Ready, 3...2...1 let it rip!

Almost in a second the dish was flooded with colours of red, yellow, green and blue.

Andy: Well don't be shy Ray, what do you think of my masterpiece?

Ray: Hmm, not bad, for an armature, although I've seen chimpanzees do better finger painting with their eyes closed

Andy: How dare you!

Ray: Of course over my travels I've learned many battle techniques, including the ability to stare deeply even into the brightest of flares- Drigger! Take him out! The trouble with paint is that it's easy to wash away while it's still fresh

Sure enough Ray won, but only after the dish was flooded with colour from Andy's blade to blind Ray but it didn't work even if his blade vanished in the dish...or so it appeared.

Next was max. who lost much faster than expected...Emily knocked him right out and it appeared to have devastated the boy.

You: Well that's more like it

Tyson: What do you mean?!

You: Emily is indeed very good and that is the quality that the real bladders have around here and even better

Kai: That's right...turns out you've all been used as lab rats, you tell them Emily.

Emily: It's true I'm afraid, Tony and Andy are two of the lower level bladders

Tyson: That can't be

You: It be

Judy: And thanks to your eager little demonstration we've analysed the skill level of your entire team and all it took was two of our newest member to pull you into showing us what we wanted to see

Emily: Of course I am more advanced

Ray: Inviting us here to study us and learn our strategies was a majorly dirty trick!

Emily: Don't forget you were the ones who were so gung-ho about proving how much better you were than our members, if you ask me you got what you deserved

Kenny: You say you've collected data, but I don't see a computer anywhere in this room

Emily: Right here

She pointed to her head

Kenny: Amazing

Tyson: Who's side are you on?!

Judy: The most important thing that was learnt by all this was that your team was no match for our elite players, which means you'll pose no threat to our BBA team at the American Tournament, and so Science has once again triumphed over spirit

Max: Oh mom

Max looked down and disappointed at all this, mind you so did you. If only you had paid more attention to this, but you do have a lot more to worry about I mean your company doesn't solely focus on Beyblade, and because of that your team was really hoped there would be something positive coming out of all this.


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