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You were all at the hotel in the boys room talking about how tomorrow was going to go down.

Kenny: Well obviously Tyson and Ray but Max you may have to sit this one out

Max: But you have to let me play, this is important to me

Tyson: Hey it's not like you're off the team

Kenny: I'm really sorry Max I know how much it means to you-

Tyson: So why can't you let him Blade?

Kenny: Because the All Stars are tricky, they've had a chance to see Max play once before. Now they know all of your moves and can strike back with precision. Every swerve, spin you make, even when you scratch your nose. It's all categorised and will be used against you if you fight again. Max is at a disadvantage, so we have to choose someone they haven't seen play yet. Someone who's moves are fresh and new. Someone who can defeat the All Stars with the art of surprise

Ray: Yo, I get it Kenny it's kinda like a sneak attack

Kenny: Exactly Ray. We've got to start playing strategically if we're ever going to beat the All Stars. So we've got to stuff our emotions and get serious, I know you want to show you mom how good a Beyblader you've become Max, but we've got to win. Sorry Max, Kai's gonna spin for us, he's our only hope if we're ever going to beat the All Stars

Ray: It is a good plan Kai can catch them totally unprepared

Tyson: You think?

Ray: Dranzer was way too powerful to collect data on

Tyson: Awh this is just great, now Kai gets to save the day

Kenny: I...I never said it was an easy choice. Athena could spin if she wants?

You: No, I already had my heart set on how I want the finals to go down, but you seem so confident with your idea

Max: guys just don't get it, my mom's been spending every single minute with those All Stars, but if I beat them...she'll wanna spend every minute with me

With that Max stormed out

You then ran out yourself to look for him, but he was nowhere so you thought to check the main parts of the hotel. The front, lobby, restaurant, pool, arcade and the roof

As you were heading to the roof you bumped into Ray, Tyson and Kenny.

You: Found him?

Tyson: no, you?

You: no...well I've checked everywhere but just on my way to the roof, coming?

Tyson: Let's go

Ray: You and Tyson go, me and Kenny will check the gardens

You: Ah, I didn't check there, ok go on

You and Tyson then headed up the stairs right to the roof

Tyson was first so he opened the door

Tyson: Ah ha Maxi

You then popped your head out to see not only Max, but his mother too

Your thoughts: Uh oh

Judy: Who knows, maybe when this is all over we can start our own team

Tyson: Why don't you just join up with us?

Max: Tyson? Athena? What are you doing here?

Tyson: Well I heard the two of you talking, and thought you wouldn't mind if I joined the conversation. Cause if Kenny's right anything we say or do goes into your battle, I'd be worried if I wasn't so darn good- so Max, wanna hit the arcade?

Judy: Athena, I head you battled in the Semi-final match?

You: Indeed I did, and all due respect but I doubt even your computers could keep track of my own moves

Judy: Well maybe, we'll see about that in time

Max: Mom, Athena please. Save it, I don't wanna have rifts

Judy: Sorry Max, I just get so wrapped up in work

Max: It's ok mom, I understand

Ray: Yo Max! Good to see ya

You then saw a smiled gleam onto Max's face

Judy: You've got good friend Max...but be ready, the All Stars don't care how friendly you are, they just care about how good you can Beyblade. Good luck boys, you'll need it.

She finished as she left the roof closing the door behind her

Max: Hey Kenny, I'm gonna ask you one last time, and I really want you to think about it. I wanna blade in the third match ok?

You: Kenny....j...just-

Kai: Just let the kid play

You all then turned to see Kai who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere

Max: Kai?

Kai: I'm not interested, and I was planning on sleeping in that day anyway

You: Sure you were (!)

Kenny: You sure Kai?

Tyson: Yeah Kai, or are you just to chicken to spin?

Kai: You can tease me all you want, I couldn't care less Tyson

Max: Please Kenny

Kenny then turned to you for confirmation and you smiled and nodded.

You: I think you should

Kenny: Hmm, oh alright

Max: YEAH! I swear you won't regret this!

He then jumped on Kenny's back tightly hugging him

Kenny: Ah! Hey no hugging!

You then turned to Kai who surprisingly had a smile on his face, and you couldn't help but smile back

Tyson: Alright who's gonna win it all tomorrow- let's hear it all for one

All (cept kai): And one for all!

You all cheered and laughed together in hope tomorrow will be a success

Kenny: You know Max, Athena's original battle plan was to have it the way it is now

Max: Really? Athena is that true?

You: Oh believe me Max, it is, I know you will do us proud. Max your defensive skills have no limits, and you can prove that in the final match

Max: You really think so?

You: Of course you silly goose, now come on bed time

You sweetly smiled and took the stairs down to your rooms. You said goodnight to the guys then went to your own room to get settled into bed.


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