The Violin and the Flower (40)

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*Dahlia's POV*

"But Dahlia, Father-," Silas tried to say something, but I cut him off. Both Silas and Santino loved their father beyond words. They obeyed his few rules with complete obedience and going against his will was something they never did. King Ludvoic was kind and cordial to all, until he was crossed. He showed no mercy to the disobedient.

"I damn well know His Majesty's rules! You forget that he like a father to me for more than a century. I know one of his rules was to never touch the Vetiti book, but my vision showed me holding that book. That book has the answers we need, and I am going to get them regardless of you three helping me. I am doing this for my own safety and Aqua's. Don't try to stop me." I could feel my eyes flash red. They have always flashed red when I was hungry or angry, but recently it seemed as though the angrier I become, the brighter they shine.

I walked over to the door and looked back at the three boys sitting behind me. The true decision laid with Santino and Silas. They just stared at each other as if speaking telepathically. They didn't possess that power, but Santino and Silas have always been able to understand the other's feelings without even speaking. They even shared all of their emotions. If Santino was sad, Silas would feel it too and vice versa. They were twins after all.

"I am sorry Dahlia, but we simply cannot risk it. The reward does not outweigh the consequences." Santino said, his eyes never meeting mine.

I opened the door and looked back at the three of them. "You are cowards." I stepped out of the room and made my way to the library. Library always held all the answers to my questions because we only question things that we do not know or understand. Once knowledge and understanding are gained, questions are answered.

Once I was in the library, I held my right arm in the air and the golden book came flying through the air until it landed in my hand. I smiled knowing that the library was charmed to give a person the books necessary to answer their questions. The library knew this book held my answers.

The book started glowing in my hands and opened itself to a page with a prophecy on it. Suddenly a voice started reading off the prophecy. "A Dawn of Light may only be brought about when the Sword and Shield unite on the diminution of the Sun. Squired with the Broken, the Longing, the Ancillary, and the Cretinous will they succeed. Disjointed, they will fall into a night of darkness at the feet of the Clandestine." The book closed itself as I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned around and came face to face with His Majesty. His face was laced with exasperation when he saw the book in my hands, but I continued to stand tall. His Majesty was the one who taught me that knowledge is power. The book would give me the power that I needed.

"I asked only three things from you, Dahlia! One, continually seek knowledge and understanding. Two, always take care of your family. Three, never touch the Vetiti book!" He roared, but I didn't back down.

"Ever and again it is better to ask for forgiveness in preference to permission, Your Majesty." I kept the book clutched against my chest, and he grew more and more angry by the second.

He pulled out a dagger and threw it at me in anger. I quickly dodged it, but my hair was not as lucky, as a whole chunk of it fell to the ground. He didn't stop with one dagger; he just kept going. I kept dodging.

"I am trying to protect my family!" I shouted at His Majesty after one of his daggers skimmed the skin on my cheek. "Aqua's life is in danger!"

He threw another two daggers at me. "She is no Michaelis! She is not family!"

I caught the two daggers just before they hit my face and yelled, "SHE IS BLOOD BONDED TO ME!" His eyes lightened. "So she is family, and I am going to protect her as damn well as I fucking can! So you don't get to chastise me about your fucking rules because I am trying everything to obey them!"

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