Rumors (31)

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*Aqua's POV*

On Monday after breakfast, Kalen and I walked to composition and he sat right next to me instead of in our normal seats. I looked up at the clock and saw that we had five more minutes, so I turned to Kalen and kissed him. I welcomed the warm tingles that it sent through my body and continued. Time felt irrelevant until I heard someone cough.

"Kalen, Aqua I do not tolerate fornicating in my classroom." I looked up to the trumpeter and piccolo player who were still sucking faces.

What made everything a thousand times worse is when I heard some girl say, "See, I told you that she fucked him. He's possessive over her. Do you think they're mates?" I just about got out of my chair and would've knocked her out to the point where she would've been in the Fairy Kingdom, but Kalen grabbed my wrist and started rubbing circles into my palm causing me to almost calm down. I would never fully calm down know that I knew that someone thought that I was fucking my brother, MY BROTHER! That may be okay in the Vampire Kingdom, but I am not okay with that!

I kept my fist balled and continued deep breaths to try and calm myself. It didn't work. I got so mad, that I had to ask Kai to go to the bathroom. He said no. Let me reiterate that, HE SAID NO. I had to take a very deep breath or else I was going to rip his head off of his shoulders.

"I can literally compose a piece in fifteen minutes or less. Frankly this class is below me so let me go to the bathroom, Professor Okeah." Murder must have flashed through my eyes because Kai looked scared shitless as he gave me the okay.

I walked to the bathroom and tried everything I possibly could so that I wouldn't scream my head off. It was then that I remembered Her Majesty Queen Mia Rose I's lessons on emotional control. "There will come a time in which your emotions are tested, and the different between a ruler and a great ruler is their ability to control their emotions. When I get absurdly angry, I always think of Sebastian, my husband, and our three little sons. You will find your control, and when you do, use it to your advantage."

I took a deep breath and thought about the premonition I had yesterday with my little boy and girl. My babies. I thought about my babies and what I would name them and what their personalities would be like. I could feel the anger slipping out of my hands, and I felt my body calm down enough to the point where I could return to class.

I wasn't there for much longer because Tomoe and Kou pulled me out of class to meet up with Dahlia, and I am almost positive that probably made people spread more absurd rumors about more absurd things.

I followed Tomoe and Kou to a private room with Dahlia and Santino. Dahlia was smiling from ear to ear, and I said without thinking, "Oh, did you show him the premonition?" My heart dropped when her eyes met mine.

"What prophecy, Aqua?" He asked.

I smiled awkwardly and sat down. Tomoe and Kou handed me a hair tie, and I tied my hair up revealing my apprentice markings, which is what they wanted me to do.

"Aqua, are you aware of what your apprenticeship markings can do?" Tomoe and Kou asked in unison.

"Yes, Her Majesty fully versed me in what it can do. I have never used its powers, seeing as I have never deemed any situation that dangerous."

"Wait, I feel left out, what can the markings do?" Dahlia asked.

I turned around to Dahlia and said, "Most think that the markings are just a symbol of my apprenticeship. It is not just that. It is a gateway into my mentor's powers, so in times of great need, I can access both Tomoe and Kou's powers along with Her Majesty's powers. It also is a contract of sorts and forces me to only use my powers for good. If I obey my side of the contract, upon Her Majesty's death, I gain all of her powers." Dahlia's mouth dropped. Queen Mia's powers were about as limitless as the grains of sand on a beach.

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