Bruised (29)

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*Aqua's POV*

After breakfast, Silas and Santino went back to the Vampire Realm leaving the four of us. We all decided to just stay in our own dorms and relax after everything that happened. But after Dahlia and I both took a shower, I went over to her room and sat on her bed.

"Look, I don't know how this whole blood bond thing is supposed to work, but I think that we should at least be on the same page and know what's going on in each other's lives...I guess what I'm trying to say is, I can see that there is something up with you, and I want to know what's up."

"We barely know each other, and you are expecting me to tell you my biggest burden just because we are blood bonded? No." She quickly brushed me off and grabbed her Dimensional Manipulation textbook.

I just sat there on her bed in silence until her eyes met me again. "We aren't going to get any closer if you just constantly push me away. Blood bond remember? We are in this together from now on." I quoted her from yesterday to get my point across. Something was bothering her, and I wanted to tell me.

She shut her book aggressively and her eyes turned red. "No means fucking no! Now get out of my fucking room!" She yelled, and I knew that there was no getting through to her at that moment. I walked to the bathroom door, and the moment my hand touched the doorknob, my vision blurred over.

I started seeing Dahlia telling Santino that they needed to take a break because she needed to work on herself, but then it fast forwarded to what seemed like the close future where Dahlia was yelling at Santino to go wake to get ready to go to court, but he refused saying that he wanted to be with his wife and queen. It once again fast forwarded to Dahlia trying to run around what looked like a living room. There was a little boy and girl with dark hair and bright blue eyes, and there was another boy who had my blue hair and eyes. Next to him was a girl who had my mom's light hair and my eyes. Two were Dahlia's kids, two were my kids, and they were playing together.

I regained my vision and started crying. Dahlia's mind must have gone to the worst possible conclusion as she started asking me what I saw.

"You're future with Santino, and it was very warm. I think I might be able to show you if you can channel my skin reading powers." I held out my hand, and she took it. I saw her face sadden and then brighten up and keep brightening up until she released my hand.

"Were those my children and yours?" She asked.

"I think so. I guess we are good friends in the future if I let my little babies around your blood suckers." I said in a joking tone which made her laugh.

"As if I would let my children be around fishy friends." She threw right back at me, and my mouth dropped at the insult before we both broke out into laughter.

We laughed and laughed until gradually we stopped and sat in a comfortable silence.

"You really aren't going to leave until I tell you what's wrong."

"Yup." I popped the p.

"Mermaids are so fucking persistent." She said before she began telling me everything.

She started by telling me how she spent the first twenty years of her life in the human world. Her foster family had been picked due to them having multiple children and living on a farm. There was some surveillance on them before they were fully chosen, but they saw nothing to be considered alarming. They had immediately agreed to take care of Dahlia upon hearing that they would be given a hundred thousand dollars every year to take care of her.

Dahlia said that they were loving and caring at first and didn't care that she was a vampire. They helped her through her hunger spurts being around humans so often made her learn extreme control. She quite enjoyed the first few years that she lived with them, but it went downhill from there. They started to force her to give her blood to their children whenever they would get sick. They made her do most of the manual labor on the farm such as milking the cows and bringing in the eggs from the chickens. She had to do it all before sundown, so she would wake up at the earliest hours just to get it done in the nick of time because she would get beaten if she used her powers. If she did not finish by sundown, she would also get beaten.

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