Baby Puke Green (48)

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*Aqua's POV*

"Oh good, you are awake! I was starting to get worried for a second, but I just sat down and found this gorgeous platter of chocolate covered strawberries which were delicious. Where was the chocolate from?" I rubbed my head a little and sat up in my bed.

My eyes focused on Tyrus who had chocolate smeared across his face. "We, uh, have a castle in the Lingurian Sea near Tuscany, Italy. We get it from them." I looked down and saw my dress stained with blood which caused me to remember the events of my birthday party.

I rushed out of my bed but was quickly stopped by a wall named Tyrus. "Oh no, no, no! You are not leaving this room. Kai told me to keep you safe, and you will not be safe if you leave this room."

I pulled Tyrus down to my eye level using his collar and said, "Kai is a fucking baby that can't do shit compared to me. Now move!" I let go of his collar and pushed him, but he was rock solid and didn't move.

"Aqua, please just lay back down. You passed out an hour ago, and I don't want you to pass out again." He said calmly.

"But my subject and Dahlia! Oh Ancestral Dragons, what happened to Dahlia?" I looked at Tyrus, and he didn't answer.

"I assure you. Dahlia is fine. She is in the conference room with your father and Professor Kai. She can handle herself. Now please lay back down." Tyrus's eyes were pleading, and I found myself lying back down.

He found a seat at the edge of my bed and went back to eating the chocolate covered strawberries. He took one big bite and swallowed it before he started at me and said, "So how come you neglected to tell us that your birthday was today? Oh, and the fact that you 1246 years old. Aqua, that makes you older than me." He said as if I didn't already know, which made me laugh.

"I know Tyrus. I've known since we first met, and I didn't tell you guys about my birthday because I didn't think that it mattered." It was the truth. When the typical lifespan of a mermaid is tens of thousands of years, birthdays tend to blur together and become irrelevant.

Tyrus grabbed one of my pillows and hit me with it. "That's for thinking that your birthday doesn't matter! It matters so much! It's a holiday that celebrates the birth of you, and what a joyous occasion it is!" He was getting so passionate about it.

"Okay, I get it! I will tell you when something important is going to be celebrated. Now, may I ask why you chose green hair this time?" I was genuinely curious, but I could tell that I had poured salt into an open wound just by the way his face contorted.

"I said mint! I asked for mint hair! You know what color they gave me? HUH?"

"Well I have vision so-," I started to say, but he cut me off with, "BABY PUKE GREEN, AQUA! Baby puke green!"

I grabbed one of the strawberries and forced it into his mouth. "Literally no one cares except for you. You need to calm it." I got up from the bed and walked over to one of my drawers and pulled out a pair of undergarments and went over to my drawers and pulled out pajamas and undergarments. "And I need to take a shower and get the dried blood off of me."

I took a nice, long, and hot shower before I stepped out of the shower and put my clothes on in my bathroom. I then dried my hair and made sure that all of my makeup was off.

Once I was all good to go, I stepped out of the bathroom to find Dahlia, Kai, Tyrus, Silas, Santino, and my dad all in my room. That's when my large room felt so incredibly small.

"Uh, why is everyone here?" I said skittishly.

"We just wanted to make sure that you were alright, Seahorse. We need to talk later, but I must address the situation to the subjects. Stay safe, and Dahlia, thank you." My dad kissed my forehead and Dahlia smiled kindly at my father before he walked out.

I waited a minute or two after my dad left before I turned to Dahlia. "He didn't hurt you, did he? Dad can be a little overprotective when it comes to me. You know I am his only daughter and all." I had to stop myself because I noticed that I was rambling.

"I am fine, Aqua. I was just doing my job, and you dad just interrogated me. It was nothing really." I looked at her with a questioning look before I turned to my brother. I was still pissed off at him, and I knew that he could tell.

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at him, silently telling him to speak. "I just wanted to come and celebrate your birthday with you after all of these years. I even got you a gift, granted I had to give it to security, but it's in the castle somewhere!"

I unfolded my arms and a devilish smile spread across my mouth. "You know what I like most about this kingdom?" He shook his head no. "Here you are not my professor. Here you are not my superior. Here you are simply Kai Okeah, son of King Destin Okeah. No title, no lands, and virtually no power. But here I am not some human. Here I am Princess Aqua Marie Okeah apprentice to both Queen Mia Rose of Balance and Tomoe and Kou. I have allies who are completely loyal to me and no one else. And I own the floor that you are standing on. I own Castle Arcanna Pulcherrima, not dad. I am a force to be reckoned with." I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down to my eyelevel. "And yet you continually piss me off by yelling at me for kissing MY MATE!" I dropped his collar and pushed him away. "You are lucky that you are my brother and that I love you and owe you one for teaching me how to play. I would've thrown you in the dungeon if you weren't."

I took a deep breath to compose myself and turned to the crowd of friends. "So what do you guys want to do?"



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