1246 (43)

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**Dahlia's POV**

"Please do excuse my language." I said to Her Majesty before turning back to Tomoe and Kou. "Way to fucking go! You two gave her punishment for her doing nothing. On top of that, it is one of the worst possible punishments you could give her. Do you know how painful it is to not be with your mate? How painful it is to not feel their touch? I fucking do! And it is worse than being stabbed, multiple times!" I took a deep breath to somewhat calm myself. "I understand that you three are doing this because you care for her, but she is my best friend. For the Ancestral Dragons' sake, I am blood bonded to her. My life is quite literally tied to hers, and I can protect her. I am not asking you to go back on your words, but please be more understanding. Now if you could please excuse me, I have to clean up your mess."

I walked over to Santino who had magical earplugs in that blocked out every single sound. He was reading through various contracts, new possible laws, proposals, etc. He was completely oblivious to everything that had happened.

I tapped on his shoulder, and he took the earplugs out and met my eyes with his. "Hey Tino, I have to some important things, so you can go home."

"Okay, thank you and please be safe." I smiled and pulled my switchblade out of one of my pockets. I pressed the button, causing the blade to come out. A smile grew on his face when he saw it.

I left soon after and walked to the auditorium where Kai was teaching his class. I knocked and stood in the doorway waiting until he finished, and he didn't even look my way when he did.

"Professor Okeah." I said while he cleaned a flute I believe.

No response.

"Excuse me, Professor Kai." I said, my volume a little louder than before.

Once again, no response.

"KAI OKEAH!" I yelled, and he jumped a little before putting the flute down. He came towards me, and I motioned him to follow me.

"Aqua went home."

"Well I expected such. It is her birthday tomorrow." He was so nonchalant about it all. "I thought that was why Her Majesty was here. Did something happen to Aqua, Dahlia? Is something wrong?" His eyes started glowing in a way that only a royal's eyes could glow.

I looked Kai right in the eyes and said, "Only that I do not have a dress for her birthday celebration." He squited his eyes at me suspiciously before going back to his class.

"What the fuck am I going to do?" was the only thing running through my brain


"What the hell? Aqua is turning 1246! Oh my God she's older than me? She's supposed to be my little sister AND SHE'S OLDER THAN ME!" Tyrus started rubbing his temples while Silas gently rubbed his back. We were just lounging in the garden because of Tomoe and Kou's rules.

"I thought you guys knew her birthday was tomorrow. Practically every supernatural news publication has been talking about it. Aqua was dubbed the Enigmatic Princess after all. Nearly every news publication is dying for coverage on her birthday party. This year is a masquerade ball." Kalen said so nonchalantly which made me believe that it was some sort of merman thing.

Tyrus got up from sitting next to Silas and started pacing back and forth, "I don't have a suit to wear. I don't have a gift, that is absolutely perfect for her. Most of all, I need to get my hair done!" His hazel eyes were filled with stress.

"Baby, I think you forgot about a mask. You sort of need to wear a mask to a masquerade ball." Tyrus turned to Silas, and his hair turned coal black before returning to peach. Tyrus definitely wears the pants in the relationship.

"You know what? I will find our suits and masks you just get your hair done and find her a gift." Silas smiled, and Tyrus returned to his normal, bubbly personality.

"I think we are forgetting a crucial point: invitations. We don't have invitations, that is except for Kalen." I said and all of our eyes focused on him.

He put his hands in the air in surrender. "My father forbade me from going, so I cannot come regardless. But I think that I should remind you that we have two Vampire Princes in the room whose invitations are implied due to diplomacy. Every invitation allows a plus one so you and Tyrus can go." Kalen smiled, and my attention turned to the twins.

"Santino, go home and talk to your mom about getting your hands on those invitations. Silas, go with him and pick the suits and masks from the court attire shop. Tyrus go get your hair done and whatever else you need to do. And no one forget to get Aqua a present!"

Santino opened a portal and waited for Silas to give Tyrus a goodbye kiss. Then they walked through the portal. Tyrus sped out of the garden and left just Kalen and me.

"Do you have any idea what to get Aqua?" He asked.

"Nope, but I am hoping this does." I summoned the Vetiti book, and Kalen looked at it impressed.

"Well I have no idea. Aqua's just so different from other mermaids. She isn't drawn to the shiniest and most expensive thing. She likes sentimental things that have meaning behind them. I just don't know what gift to give to a person who is as amazing as Aqua." He looked like an idiot in love; it was quite sweet to say the least. It made me think of the days that Santino and I were first together.

I put my hand on his shoulder in a comforting way. "You are probably just overthinking it. Just listen to your heart."

I could see the light bulb on top of his head light up. "Oh my god! You are a genius! Thank you, Dahlia! I have to go!" He ran out of the room at lightning speed.

I was left in Silas's room all alone. All I had to do was find my extravagant black dress to wear to the ball. I needed a mask to match my dress. On top of that, I had to pick out jewelry to match and shoes of course. Can't forget the shoes. Oh, and I would need to inform my hair and makeup crew that I would need them. I also had to inform the school that Silas, Tyrus, and I would be leaving for the day to celebrate the Princess's birthday as a sign of diplomacy. AND ON TOP OF THAT I NEED TO FIND THE PERFECT GIFT FOR AQUA! No pressure on finding the perfect gift for someone who you are blood bonded to. NO FUCKING PRESSURE AT ALL! 


School has honestly been taking up all my time leaving me with no time to update! 

But hey! I'm on spring break so expect some more releases this week!

Anybody got any big plans for spring break or anything special coming up?

I want to hear what you guys have to say.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

In return for the long overdue chapter I thought it only fair that I release a double Update so keep reading there's more!


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