The Bond (22)

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*Aqua's POV*

I let the music overcome my body as I played my heart out. I played for my mom. I played for every birthday she couldn't celebrate with me. I played for all the musical performances that she could never attend. Most of all, I played for every single day my mom couldn't hug me or tell me that she loved me.

With one final chord, I ended my song and everyone erupted into applause. All those sitting down stood up, and most of all, Kai wiped away his tears and whistled for me in a similar fashion that Tyrus did.

Tomoe and Kou ran up to me after I got off the stage and gave me two big hugs.

"Absolutely fantastic. It was even better than when you played it for us for the first time." Tomoe said with a huge smile through his wet cheeks.

"She is so proud of you, and there is no doubt about that in our minds." Kou said as he kissed my hair.

I smiled and said thank you before I made my way over to Tyrus and Silas who were waiting for me at our table. Tyrus engulfed me in the most lung crushing hug and said, "I have never heard such an emotional piece, and it was amazing. I have no words."

"I would never imagine that a human could be so talented. Needless to say, you exceeded my expectations, and I would like you to perform at Vampiric Court one day." I knew what an honor that was. At every magical court, they showed off the best of the best to seem like the superior court. Being asked to play at a court was of the utmost honor.

Silas gave me a congratulatory hug next, and something felt horribly wrong. I couldn't explain it, but my gut was telling me that someone I knew was in danger. I found Kalen over by the chocolate fountain at the fruit table. Tyrus and Silas were with me, and all of my professors were in the room. That only left one person.

Silas opened his mouth to tell me something, but I cut him off by saying, "Where is Dahlia? I don't see her here."

"Oh she went to the garden to go get some air. She's fine." He assured me, but my gut was telling me differently. I knew that my gut was right, and I wasn't going to take Silas's assurance. I would much rather be safe than sorry.

"I'm going to go check up on her. Girl code, you know?" Both Tyrus and Silas looked at me suspiciously before nodding their head.

I ran as fast as I possibly could with the five-inch death traps chained to my feet. I grabbed a random fork off of the table for safe measures before I went out on the balcony closest to the garden. I scanned the area for Dahlia with a large gash across her chest and saw her in a defensive stance while being surrounded by maybe ten people. I went over to the corner of the balcony where I couldn't be seen from the ballroom, and I jumped off the balcony and landed on both feet.

I ran across the pavement as fast as I could until I was right behind one of the men. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" I yelled as I stabbed the fork into his carotid artery and learned that he was a shifter, so it wouldn't be that easy to kill him.

The men started focusing on me instead of Dahlia, and I looked at Dahlia whose eye color was almost completely black. She was blind, but it was still too risky to use my powers. I would have to do it the old-fashioned way: just me and my fork.

"Aqua you need to get out of here!" She yelled me, but I was in the middle of kicking nine people's asses. It was too late to back out now even if I wanted to, and I didn't. Okeah are not cowards, and we fight with everything we have.

The more I kicked the guys in their baby batter makers, the faster they started going down, until there was one guy behind me. I decided to do a roundhouse kick, but due to the fact that I was in death traps, I lost my footing and they guy was able to dodge.

I quickly got up but so did all the other shifters. I needed Dahlia to help me or else I wouldn't leave this battle without using my magic. I need to ignite anger in Dahlia in order for her to fight at full capability without her vision.

"Dahlia! Stop acting like a helpless human! You are a vampire! Just because you can't see doesn't mean that you can't do anything! Think like a vampire!" I shouted and she pulled a switch blade out of her garter. I didn't even know that she was wearing one.

She stabbed on of the guys in the chest, and he fell down. With my fork and her switch blade, we were in good shape, but Dahlia was still bleeding. She needed blood to heal, and I had exactly that. I knew that mermaids had healing properties in their blood, so I was praying that she was think that it was merely a coincidence if she started to see again.

I used her switchblade to cut my wrist and put it over Dahlia's mouth.

"Dahlia, just drink it." I said, and she opened her mouth and sunk her fangs into my wrist for a few seconds until I saw her wound closing up and her eyes turning back to its normal sunburst yellow like I thought would happen.

"Aqua behind you!" She yelled, and before I could even react, someone lodged a knife through my back and into my chest. He pulled it out, and I fell on my side. Mermaids held their immortality in their blood. If they bled out, they would die.

My vision went a little blurry, but I saw Dahlia's hair run over to the man, and she stabbed the guy in the heart, killing him. She then ran towards me, bit into her own wrist and held it up to my mouth to drink.

"Come on, Aqua. I am not letting you die on me!" She shouted in determination, but I didn't have enough energy to open my mouth. "Damnit, Aqua! We are going to survive this!" She shouted once again and started pouring her blood into my veins. I wanted to survive.

"The Great Sorcerer Gwydion created the spell to unite two people, who are not mates, together in an unbreakable bond." Tomoe's voice was running through my mind, and I felt an energy surrounding my body. "The two users share blood. The reason why this spell has never been recorded to have been properly performed is because both users must share the same exact intention and that is impossible. Not even Gwydion could perform it correctly, and he died." The energy was starting to burn my body, but I fought it off. All I wanted in that moment was for both Dahlia and I to survive.

Suddenly, the energy cooled, and I was able to control it. I could hear from miles away and felt physically stronger than ever; these were not my powers. If I had Dahlia's powers, that means that she had mine.

Almost on cue, the sprinklers started running and one droplet of water touched my skin, undoing my spell. I stood up and looked at Dahlia before turning my attention to the ten shifters in front of me.

I looked up at the darkening sky from the eclipse and said "I am not Aqua Gray. I am Aqua Okeah, Princess of all the oceans and seas and you will not defeat me!" I channeled all of my powers and focused it on them. One blast took them all out but drained me of all my energy. I fell backwards when my vision when completely black. 


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