Queen (16)

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"What should I do? Do I come back home and have to tell the Queen? Do I stay and fear my life? I hate it there, Dad, but I promised Her Majesty that I would give it an honest try. I never thought that I would say it, but I miss going to court and living my old life." Tears started coming down my cheeks for what felt like the thousandth time in one hour.

He cleaned the tears away with his finger and said, "Why don't you just talk with my sister? She's family and loves you just as I do. I am sure if you truly want to leave, she will permit it. She's a rational woman, Dahlia."

"And then what do I tell Mom? Oh sorry mommy, your daughter almost got kidnapped and something so much worse could have happened! Yeah, something tells me that Mother Dearest isn't going to react so well." Dad ran his hands through his hair, just like Santino does.

"I have been mated to your mother for how long? I will deal with her, but for now get some rest. I will send word that you would like to meet Her Majesty and talk to her at court." Dad kissed my forehead and said, "I love you, my flower."

"Love you too dad."


I never thought in all my years that I would be happy to be woken up at the crack of dawn to go to court, but I was. I sprang out of bed the moment that the servants called me and told me that my bath was read. I soaked for about twenty minutes before being given a robe and undergarment and dragged off to get my hair and makeup done. They kept my hair half up and half down in an extravagant hairstyle composed of strategically placed curls and braids. Then came my makeup. They went with a bold neutral cut crease and a dark mulberry liquid lipstick, very similar to my hair color.

I was quickly rushed back to my room where the servants helped me into my off the shoulder gown composed of strictly beading and a black mesh to cover what was needed. And they handed me my shoes and left without me even getting the chance to thank them.

I put on my shoes and slowly walked over to the mirror where I eyed the dress. It was no secret that I was always called the Flower of the Court due to my extravagant fashion sense and the fact that I was not afraid to show leg or wear pants. I truly do not understand why most female vampires are scared to wear pants.

Last step was my jewelry which I always picked out for myself. I went with my favorite pair of earrings which looked almost like an angel wing composed of diamonds and silver on my ear. I looked in the mirror and was content, so I walked downstairs where my father was waiting for me in his tux. He had a little black dahlia pinned to it, no doubt Mom's doing.

"I do believe that I am to escort Her Highness Dahlia Amore Michaelis to Vampire Court to have a special meeting with Her Majesty." I gave my dad a quick hug before we entered the portal to send us immediately to court.

The announcer stood at the top of the stairs, and his eyes widened when he saw me. Maybe it was fear, maybe it was shock.

"His Highness, Prince Cole Giovanni Michaelis." He said first because the person of higher title always goes first. Prince always before Princess. The male always hold the higher title, always.

"Her Grace, Archduchess Dahlia Amore Michaelis." He announced and all head turned towards me. Usually, I was regarded as princess due to my relation with Santino, the first prince, but officially, I was an archduchess.

I slowly walked down the stairs with my father holding my hand, and everyone in court that day made a path from the stairs all the way to Their Majesties. Her Majesty actually got up from her throne and started walking towards me, which was a public show of true adoration.

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