Omen (3)

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*Dahlia's POV*

"Welcome Black Stone Academy Students! We are here today to talk to you about the school and show you what a common day should be like as a Black Stone Academy student. I am Prince Leo Sinclair of Avalr, but you will be addressing me as Professor Sinclair. Now, if you have checked your schedules, you will have learned that each schedule is catered to each student. Some students will be pushed academically and others will be pushed artistically. With that being said, there are two required classes for each student and that includes Governing Honors, which I teach, and the History of Magical Creatures which is taught by Vladimir Michaelis." Professor Sinclair passed the microphone over to Uncle Vladimir.

"This school was founded to bring peace and unity among all supernatural creatures. With that being said, royals will be making allies and normal supernaturals will be making connections. This school experience is only what you make of it." He continues on talking and I find myself tuning him out and my eyes traveling among the crowd only to find that filthy blood bag.

Out of every student in this fucking school, they put me with a human. Now it was true that I spent most of my childhood living in the human realm with a foster family, but it was also true that they subjected me to physical abuse. They would whip me at the most minuscule mistake, and then they would cut my arms and collect the blood for their own selfish use. After my twentieth birthday, I was allowed to escape back to the Vampire Realm where I showed my parents my scars. Justice was served when the Queen herself went to my human foster family and killed each and every one of them, draining them of every drop of abominable blood in their body.

Humans are weak creatures that always seek for power, and for that reason, I am appalled to be rooming with one.

"You are dismissed." Uncle Vladimir said through the microphone, and I quickly ran down the stairs and over to him.

"Uncle, I would like to speak to you."

"About what, Dahlia?"

"My roommate. She is a human."

"And what is wrong with being a human? Queen Rose lived as a human for eighteen years of her life. I was even her teacher and taught dozens of humans. They are much more resilient that you think, dear flower. You could learn a few lessons from them." He grabbed a stack of papers off of the table.

"She called me a leech."

Uncle Vladimir broke into a fit of laughter and said, "Who is your roommate? She truly is one audacious human! A leech! How clever!"

Just as I was about to speak, my vision blurred over and was replaced with a premonition. I saw a man loosening the screws on the chandelier, and it falling on Prince Leo Sinclair leaving his lifeless body crushed under the weight of the extravagant chandelier.

"Dahlia. Dahlia! What do you see?" Uncle Vladimir shouted at me.

"Well currently I see nothing seeing as though I become blind after gaining a premonition, but I'd move away from under the chandelier if I were you Prince Leo." I heard a string snap and a bolt break free, and Leo Sinclair ran in the opposite direction of the falling chandelier. Uncle grabbed my wrist and pulled me away, and from the sounds of it, Professors Tomoe and Kou worked together and preformed a spell that suspended the chandelier in the air while Professor Kai Okeah used his magic to teleport the remaining students in the auditorium out of the room.

Tomoe and Kou laid the chandelier gently on the ground, and I felt a letter graze my hands. I handed it to Uncle to read and he said, "Next time you won't be so lucky. We want the princess." Chills ran down my spine thinking of what they would do to me if they kidnapped me. They couldn't kill me, but they could certainly make death seem like a luxury.

"Leo, up the security around Dahlia's dorm. Tomoe and Kou, try and run a tracking spell on this piece of paper to see who did this. Kai, tell all students to report back to their room for an attendance check. I will escort Dahlia back to her dorm and send word for Santino to help her. Got it!?" I heard several yeses as Uncle Vladimir grabbed my hand and started leading me back to my dorm.

Using his super speed, he brought me back to my dorm room and sat me down on the bed and pulled out his phone. "We need you immediately. Yes, she got one. Okay, I will be at the entrance waiting for you. Thank you, goodbye."

"They were having dinner, so he will be here in five minutes. Just stay there and wait, okay Dahlia?"

"I'm not five, Uncle. I understand what sit and wait means." I am sick of everyone thinking that I'm going to break every five seconds. I am a pureblood vampire with powers of premonition, super speed, elemental manipulation, and spell incantation. I'll be damned before someone beats my ass again.

"No, you are not five, but you act like it. Just do as I say. Goodbye, Flower." I felt Uncle kiss my cheek and then heard footsteps and a door close.

I waited a decent minute before I stood up and groped my way through my room to get to the bathroom door. I turned the doorknob and heard her screech, "Hey! I am using the bathroom." I heard the water running from the faucet, and said, "No, you are just washing your hands. But it's not like I can actually see you."

"Your eyes, they're...they're black? What happened? Are you okay?" Her voice was laced with concern, and I wouldn't fall for it. Humans don't care for anyone other than their own kind.

"I can see glimpses of the future which causes my eye color to go from a bright orange to pitch black and my vision to disappear." I stated and let my hand feel the sink until I felt a faucet and turned it on.

"I'm sorry that we got off on the wrong foot, but if you need help with anything just ask." She stated, and I shook my head no and started splashing my face with water. I quickly turned the faucet off and felt for a towel.

"Here." She guided my hand to a towel which I used to dry both my hands and face. Then she grabbed my hand and guided me out of the bathroom and down to my bed without me even asking.

I heard a door open, and someone say, "evanescent." But it wasn't Santino who said it, and humans can't cast spells which is what confused me the most.

"Dahlia! There you are! God, I was so worried." I felt Santino wrap his arms around my body, engulfing me in his scent and sending tingles throughout my body. "Don't do that again Dahlia. You had me running through the dimensional portal just to get to you."

"I can't really control these things, Santino. I just sort of get them and pray for the best."

"Yeah, but you always get into trouble. Uncle Vlad told you stay on your bed, but yet I saw your roommate guiding you back to your bed. Thank you by the way..."

"Aqua Gray, human." I roll my eyes and felt Santino hit me in the side with his elbow. Jackass.

"You have my eternal gratitude for helping my mate. If you need anything, just ask." He kissed me behind my ear which made me smile.

"I'm good. I was just being nice, but it was nice to meet you...?"

"Santino Michaelis, First Prince of the Vampire Kingdom." I could just feel the awkwardness radiating off of her as she left the room and shut the door to our connecting bathroom.

Without a second delay, my lips met his in a familiar rhythmic pattern and slowly move down to his neck where I could hear the blood coursing through his veins. My fangs elongated and slowly pierced his skin allowing his blood to invade my mouth. After a few drinks of his blood, my full vision was regained and I was eye to eye with my other half.

"I love you, Santino."

"I love you too, Dahlia."


Don't you guys just love Santino!?

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