A Day at the Beach (56)

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*Aqua's POV*

 I wish I could say that the day after I was shot was calm and relaxing, but it wasn't. Tomoe and Kou had convinced Vladimir that I needed a few days off to let my human body heal, and they took advantage of the time to train me.

First period was with Dahlia, and so while she worked with Santino to resist compulsion, which sounded excruciating, I worked with Tomoe and Kou to try and shut off our bond temporarily. It was easier said than done, and I almost passed out multiple times, yet, I didn't give up. I mean I never successfully did it, but I didn't stop trying.

Thankfully I got second period off, but the minute that third period started, Tomoe and Kou dragged me out of my room and back to the training room. There, they showed me their true dragon forms and started attacking me. I had to dodge at lightning speed to dodge both of their attacks, which was a nightmare in itself. There was one moment where they both sent spells that came towards me too fast to react and my subconscious conjured both the Ancestral Dragon of Earth and the Ancestral Dragon of Air! Tomoe and Kou just shifted back into their human forms and patted me on the back for doing so well.

I thought that, that was the last time I would be training for the day. I was wrong. They brought me pulled me out of my room during fifth period, and I was ambushed by Santino with a halberd. I went to use my powers and found that Tomoe and Kou put a spell in the room to block all magic. So I started to run around the room to look for anything that could be used as a weapon. I found a fork and a butter knife in the corner with a container of food. I immediately ran towards Santino and dodged his attack, then I threw the knife at his knee. While he was stunned, I grabbed his halberd and used it to pin him down. Once that was done, I held the fork up to his carotid.

They sent me back to my room, and I fell asleep with the knives that Santino got me for my birthday in my hands. When I woke up to my door opening, I quickly stuck a knife in each of their necks, to which they just laughed and pulled them out and just handed me another glass of my smoothie.

Needless to say my Friday was thoroughly eventful, so when Saturday came I tried to enjoy the comfort of my bed. Key word: tried.

"Guess who's going to the beach today!" Dahlia shouted with pure excitement.

I sat up in my bed, with my hair covering the entirety of my face and under eye circles that were deeper than Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench. "Go away, Dahlia."

"Kalen sure is a lucky man to have you!" She said sarcastically before she ripped the comforter off of me. "You aren't staying here cooped up all day. We are going to the beach, and the whole gang is coming. I already told Tomoe and Kou and they are fine with it, plus this will give you and Kal sometime so that he can give you your birthday present. Now up!" She yelled and I got up and out of my bed before realizing that I have no swimsuit to wear.

"What do you expect me to where?" She threw a white swimsuit at me, and I rolled my eyes.

I walked to the bathroom and did my morning routine before attempting to put on the two piece swimsuit. I was appalled at how much skin I was showing. It was far more skin than what my tail and scales would ever show.

"Dahlia, are you sure this fits me correctly? I think my boobs are popping out of this top and the bottoms are not covering even half of my butt."

"That's how it's supposed to fit. Hurry up and finish getting ready!" She shouted from her room, and I scrambled to grab a pair of jean shorts to cover more of my bottom half. I them snapped my fingers, which transported my guitar from my room at home all the way to in front of me. I then put my ID and the leather-bound book from Queen Astrid in my guitar case. I grabbed a pair of sunglasses and slides before running to the mini hall outside of my dorm.

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