Revelation (23)

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*Dahlia's' POV*

I initially hated Aqua for being a human, but she risked her life to save mine. I couldn't let her die, so I gave her my blood only to find out that she wasn't a human at all. She was a mermaid, and I formed a blood bond with her.

She took out all ten shifters with one blow to end our battle for good and ensure our safety. In doing so, she used up all of her energy which caused her to faint. Thankfully, I was there to catch her before her head hit the floor.

I stared at Aqua taking in her blue hair, and things started to make sense. She initially freaked out when I entered the bathroom while blind because she thought that I would see her hair and figure it out because the spell dissolves once water touches her skin. She was the one who said evanescet to make her natural hair color disappear. Silas did recognize her because she was a princess and probably met up with him sometime in her life. I didn't understand much, but she went to great lengths to hide her true identity, and I wasn't going to fuck that up. I touched her hair and said, "evanescet." Covering her hair color. Then I grabbed my switchblade and put it back in my garter before I picked Aqua up bridal style and ran back into the Academy to get Aqua some medical attention.

I ran through all the doors and up the three flights of stairs before I stormed into the ballroom and everyone stilled. I looked at Professor Kai whose eyes widened upon seeing his sister's limp body in my arms. He came running along with the other professors.

"I had a premonition and was attacked in the garden by a group of ten shifters. Upon seeing me, Aqua selflessly ran my way to help protect me with only a fork in hand. She was fatally stabbed, and I used my blood to heal her, but she is yet to recover." I lied to keep her secret safe.

"And how come you can see now?" Vladimir questioned.

"She gave me her blood. I don't understand why it unblinded me, but it did." Except I did know why. Mermaid's blood holds healing properties which helped me regain my vision.

Professor Sinclair took over and said, "Kai, Tomoe and Kou will take the girl to the infirmary and heal her. Vladimir and I will keep this party going. Got it?" They all nodded their head.

Before Kai, Tomoe and Kou could leave, I said, "I would like to go with them. She saved my life, and this is the least that I can do." Professor Sinclair nodded his head.

We ran to the infirmary together, and once the four of us were behind closed doors, I said, "I know that she's the mermaid princess."

"Now's not the time for that, Dahlia. She could be dying." Kai said, and I could tell that he was scared for her.

"She can't. We are blood bonded." I said, gaining all their attention.


"Exactly what I said! I am blood bonded to Aqua!" I shouted back at him.

"Prove it." Kou said.

"Don't you think I would have proved it from the moment that I told you if I knew how?" The room when silent again until Kai said, "Aqua is a skin reader, if what Dahlia is saying is correct, then Dahlia could access Aqua's powers, correct?"

Tomoe and Kou looked at each other before Kou said, "Kai, there has never been successful blood bond. We have no idea, but it's worth a shot."

Kai held out his hand, and I took a deep breath before I took it. I couldn't access anything until he started pulling his hand away from me. "You are a merman. You stand at 6'6 exactly and weigh two-hundred pounds." I said, and Kai's eyes widened.

"They are blood bonded."

"How is that even possible?" Tomoe and Kou said in unison, and I was really starting to get annoyed with them.

"YOU TWO KNOW VIRTUALLY EVERY SPELL IN EXISTENCE AND YOU ARE ASKING ME HOW THAT IS EVEN POSSIBLE? WE SHARED BLOOD AND HAD A COMMON GOAL TO SURVIVE! THAT'S HOW IT HAPPENED!" I pulled Kou down to me using his collar and said, "I don't care how you fucking do it, but you need to help Aqua. She used all of her powers to save our lives which is why she passed out. Help her!" I let go of his collar and he went across the room to the herb closet. He pulled out two herbs and started smashing it together before he added a little water and went back over to Aqua's body. Kai held her head up while Kou poured the liquid down her throat.

The more the poured, the more that she started moving until he eyes finally opened again and she spit out everything that was in her mouth.

"What the heck was that! It tasted like dead fish and seaweed! Are you trying to kill my taste buds Tomoe and Kou?" She shouted, and they just laughed at her.

With some help, she got up and walked over to the to the sink, where she wiped off the herb mixture off of her face and the blood off of her arms. She immediately wiped it off and reperformed the spell to bring her hair back to blonde.

She turned around towards me and said, "I'm sorry that I lied, but my life is constantly in danger as heir to the Mer-Throne. I am here specifically to find a mate before I am forced to marry someone that I don't know, and I can only do that undercover. I am truly sorry." She said, and I could tell that her eyes held sincerity.

"I will accept your apology if you accept my apology for being so rude to you. I should never have spoken to you in such a manner, regardless of what I thought you were. The character that a person holds is much more important than the species that they are. I'm sorry that it took you risking your life for mine to realize it." I meant every word that I said, and instead of her just saying yes or not, she pulled me into a hug and said, "All is well that ends well."

We were interrupted by a knock on the door. Aqua opened the door and Tyrus and Kalen engulfed her in their arms, and Tyrus cried, "Oh my god! Are you okay?" Silas came up to me and said the exact same.

Aqua gave me one glance as if to say to keep quiet, and she said, "Yeah I'm good. I just got stabbed in the back, no biggie." She smiled, and Tyrus's eyes widened.

"No biggie! You could have died, Aqua! You are never leaving my sight again!" He vowed, and she just laughed. If only he knew that she could take him down with one finger.

My attention was shifted back to Silas when he asked what happened. I said, "Ten shifters were trying to kill me when Aqua came to my rescue and did a number on them using only a fork and her body. She saved my life."

Not ten seconds after I said that, Silas walked over to Aqua and hugged her in gratitude. "You have my eternal gratitude, Aqua. If you ever need anything at all, I will do it for you. I cannot thank you enough for what you have done. You are a true hero."

"You are welcome, but I would have done the same for anyone. And for right now, I would just like to get back to the ball and salvage what is left of my night. The only thing is that I look a I say it, just almost killed, I guess."

Aqua looked at Tyrus, and he started smiling and clapping his hands. "Tyrus, I wish for Dahlia and I to look like how we did before we were in a battle." He snapped his fingers and all the blood stains on my skin and dress were gone. My hair was once again tamed to how it looked before as was my makeup.

"I do believe that you guys have a ball to go back to." Kai stated and we made our way out of the infirmary and over to the ball. With everything that had happened, I was even more determined to have fun. 


If you could have any kind of power what would it be? 

I would love to have the power to fly :) Definition of freedom right there ;)

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