Ancestral Dragon (38)

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*Aqua's POV*

"What do you mean he doesn't know!" Nereus shouted behind me while running after me.

"EXACTLY WHAT I MEAN WHEN I SAY HE DOESN'T KNOW NEREUS! NOW GET ME A DAMN FORK AND MEET ME IN THE COURTROOM!" I ran before he could question me about my silverware choice. I needed to get back to court and keep Dahlia safe.

I ran in and over to Dahlia who was talking to Tyrus, Silas, Santino, and Kalen. I panted and said, "Shifter! There are shifters in here!" Without a second's delay, Dahlia's hands were engulfed in fire. Santino had a halberd by his side as Silas had his sword. Kalen's hands glowed a beautiful silver showing off his deflection ability. Most importantly, Tyrus's entire body glowed a beautiful rose gold, and he slammed his hand on the ground, sending his magic through the floor. His magic dissolved the shifters' and their disguises disappeared.

Without a second thought, I ran over to one of the shifters and kicked him in the knee before I got him in a chokehold. I tried keeping him there, but he was much stronger than me physically and was able to break free. He threw a punch my way, but my instincts took over, and I dodged it a second before it hit me. I kicked him but he was able to catch my kick and push me down easily due to the fact that I was wearing death traps.

I fell on my back, and the man creeped over me. He curled a piece of my hair around his finger before he said, "The boss will be so happy when I bring him the princess." I refused to look him in the eye as I struggled to get free.

I could hear Nereus's voice shout my name from across the room, and he threw the fork my way. I somehow managed to catch it and looked the man in the eyes.

"You are getting no princess today." I stabbed the man in his baby maker before pulling the fork out and pushing him off of me so that I could move onto the next shifter.

It wasn't that hard to find the next shifter and take him down, but when one was down, thirty more appeared in his place. Every able person in the room was fighting the shifters, even Their Majesties.

One of the shifters got a hold of my arm and cut my skin before I pushed him away. I kept an eye on Dahlia on the other side of the room as we were fighting and slowly made my way to her.

"There are just too many." Dahlia stated.

"I know, but we have to fight." I replied before some girl got a hold of Dahlia and started cutting along her wrist. Anger took over me, and I stabbed her in the eye and held my bloody arm out to Dahlia.

The moment our blood touched, it started glowing and falling on the floor. Within seconds, our blood formed a merger of our royal crests around our bodies. Shifter after shifter started coming our way, but they could never step over the crest. It worked as a forcefield and whenever Dahlia used her powers, it worked as an amplifier.

Just because the crest was protecting Dahlia and I, didn't mean that everyone was safe. On the contrary, everyone else was very much in danger. Every one person had to defeat three shifters simultaneously.

"Aqua, you've got to use the markings. There are too many of them, and if we wait any longer, hundreds will die. Please Aqua, do this for me." Dahlia begged me. I looked her in the eyes for a second before nodding my head.

I took a deep breath and touched my apprenticeship markings with two fingers, activating them. Immediately, the copper hair that Tyrus had given me disappeared and was replaced with my familiar blue. I touched the blood crest, knowing that it would amplify the powers from my mark and repeated the words that Her Majesty Queen Mia Rose I of Balance once taught me.

"Bound to do only good by apprenticeship mark, I ask for help from my mentors to help me defeat my enemies." The crest below me started glowing a bright white as the Ancestral Dragon of Light sprung out of the crest and flew around the room, taking out every single shifter. It then returned to me and kissed my forehead before swirling around my body and disappearing.

Everyone just stared at me in shock as the mark of the Ancestral Dragon of Light wrapped around my arm before disappearing.

Dahlia looked at me before saying, "I didn't ask you to conjure the Ancestral Dragon of Light. I just asked you to help us and use your marking."

"Like I had a say in if I actually wanted to conjure an Ancestral Dragon! They do what they want and choose who they wish to protect. It just so happened that I asked my mentors for help, and He must have wanted to help."

I took my eyes away from Dahlia for a second and came face to face with Their Majesties whose eyes were open with shock. I bowed my head in respect and said, "I am terribly sorry for lying to you. My life is constantly put in danger due to my status, and it would not have been safe to come here either way. These shifters have been after my life for some time now, and I am beyond sorry for my presence bringing destruction to your court. You have my most sincere apology, and I understand if you would like me to leave."

Her Majesty straightened herself and said, "Although I could declare war for your lies, I would rather thank you for saving our lives. I have many enemies, as do you, and the shifters have been after me for some time as well. I am positive that some of the shifters were sent to get my head, and I must thank you for saving my life." She walked up to me and gave me a hug before releasing me. "My court is always open to its Lady in White."

Tyrus must have worked his magic in that moment and restored all of court to its former glory and made my dress white again. I picked up my dress and tore off my death traps and pushed them into Nereus's chest.

"Careful, those were five thousand dollars!" He shouted at me, and I ripped the heels off of both of the shoes just to spite him.

"The only thing someone should be careful about around here is you with your words to me. I could very easily stab you with one of these, or I could go for the jugular and relinquish your title as diplomate to the Vampire Court. I am a princess after all, and it would be in my jurisdiction."

Nereus gave me a passive aggressive smile and said, "Duly noted, Your Highness."

"Oh and thanks for the dress." I smiled and walked over to Kalen.

He looked me in the eyes and smiled before saying, "May I have this dance with you, Your Highness?" I laid my hand in his, ever so delicately before he brought me to the dance floor while the orchestra was playing Juventino Rosas's "Over the Waves".

We started to waltz together as Kalen said, "I hope to dance with you in another white dress on our wedding night." His eyes were holding the truth, and I knew that he meant ever word that he was saying.

"I don't know, I feel like I've worn enough white already. Maybe I'll go with an elegant cream, but then again, I don't think that Dad would want that. So yeah maybe white. And Kai would play on the piano for our first dance. But I don't think that we would have a really big wedding. Do you want a big wedding, 'cause I really don't and like-" He cut me off with his joyous laughter as he spun me around.

"I don't care how big or small our wedding is, as long as I get to spend it with you." His smile lit up the entire room, and I couldn't help but kiss him.

*So sorry for the long wait! I had a huge English assignment these past two weeks that took up most of my time!*

Heads up that I got another huge English essay that will probably take up the next two weeks as well. 

Have any of you read the Scarlet Letter? Well that is currently the topic of my English assignment. 

On another note what did you guys think of the chapter?

Did y'all see that coming? Did it meet your expectations?

Question of the day: If you could be any mythical creature what would it be?  I personally would choose to be a Griffin!!<3


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