Michaelis Teachings (32)

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*Dahlia's POV*

I walked to History of Magical Creatures class and found Aqua with Kalen sitting on her left and an open seat on her right, then Tyrus and no one sat next to Tyrus. Aqua waved at me and pointed at the seat next to her, and I was grateful. Usually I would worry about where I would sit in that classroom, but it was refreshing knowing that someone had saved me a seat.

I sat next to Aqua and got myself situated for the notes that we take in the class. The bell rang afterwards, and Uncle Vladimir stepped in with Silas and Santino following him and closed the door.

"Class, I would like to welcome Prince Silas Michaelis II as a student at the Academy and seeing as we are now learning about Vampiric culture, I see no one better to talk about the subject than my nephews, Santino and Silas Michaelis. Please take the stage."

Santino stood strong and tall next to Silas who did the same. They were absolutely identical except for their eyes. Santino had one, small spec of blue in one of his eyes. Silas had pure red eyes, a sign of a Michaelis.

"Hello, I am Prince Santino Michaelis I, first in line to the Vampiric throne, and as Vladimir has already stated, this is my younger brother Prince Silas Michaelis II. We are Queen Rose Michaelis and King Ludvoic Michaelis's twin sons. They are mated vampires, so we are given stronger powers than the normal pureblood vampire."

"But also, our father was the first vampire ever in existence, so needless to say that we are very capable in combat. Both Santino and I are certified Masters of Weaponry meaning that we can use almost any weapon adequately. Some more than others. I specialize in swords while Santino specializes in halberds."

Some girl who was clearly smitten with the two asked, "What is a halberd?" Santino and I made eye contact, and I nodded my head to tell him to do his trick. Santino smiled and took off the ring on his thumb and threw it in the air. While in the air, the small ring turned into a halberd, and started falling

down towards Santino. Santino caught it above his head and spun it around his body before slamming it on the floor, sending vibrations through the room.

I had gotten him the ring, it seems almost eons ago on our hundredth anniversary. He had still been practicing to become a Master of Weaponry, but he was still able to use every weapon with grace unlike any other. From scythes to spears, Santino was able to use everything, and I watched him practice nearly every day. The more I watched him practice, the more he started picking favorites with weapons. The more time went by, the more he started grabbing the halberds. He never told me that it was his favorite weapon, but he didn't need to. I knew Santino like the back of my hand, so a few weeks before our anniversary, I went to a magical blacksmith living in the realm. He was an immigrant from Balance and took inspiration from Her Majesty Queen Mia Rose of Balance's ring and Her Majesty Rose Michaelis's ring and came up with the idea to have a halberd into a small ring. I bought all of the necessary supplies and designed everything from the look of the halberd to the stone on the ring. To date, it is one of his favorite gifts that I have ever given to him. He has worn it ever since I gave it to him and he even used it in his test to become Master of Weaponry.

"As vampires, we can survive off of blood, but we can also survive off of normal food. Blood is an indulgence that allows us to be at our strongest." Silas said.

"And although it is an indulgence, often times you will find that a mated vampire will not drink from anyone except their mate. The mate bond makes it so that there is no pleasurable taste or action and it further strengthens their bond. But seeing as vampires rarely find their mate, most do not get to indulge in such a...pleasure." Santino kept staring at me, and I ran my hands through my hair to distract myself from his gaze.

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